英语听力汇总   |   幸福和成功的秘诀?试着同情





The recipe for happiness and success? Try compassion


Looking for a way to be happier? Are you seeking deeper connections with friends or looking for more friends? Want to relate better to your co-workers?


Try a little compassion.


Compassion, as one scholar describes it, is "experiencing feelings of loving kindness toward another person's affliction." It's related to, but a little different from empathy, which the same scholar defines as "feeling with someone, that is, sharing the other person's emotion."



But compassion is not for the touchy-feely Oprah set alone. The U.S. military and professional sports teams found real success with mindfulness and compassion training. In fact, the baseball team that incorporated mindfulness practice into their routine last year, the Chicago Cubs, won the World Series. The "lovable losers" hadn't won a World Series in 108 years.

但是同情并不属于奥普拉一个人。美国军队和职业运动队通过善意和同情心训练取得了真正的成功。事实上,去年将了善意训练纳入日常训练的棒球队芝加哥小熊队(Chicago Cubs)赢得了世界职业棒球大赛冠军。这位“可爱的失败者”已经108年没有赢得过世界大赛冠军了。

"'This training is not for wimps,' as my grad student, who was a former football player, used to say," said Amishi Jha, an associate professor of psychology. "This is for the toughest of the tough who want to make the world better and benefit personally, too."

心理学副教授阿米希贾(Amishi Jha)说,“我的研究生曾是一名足球运动员,他常说,‘这种训练不适合懦弱的人。’”“这是为那些想让世界变得更美好、也想亲自受益的最坚强的人准备的。”

Jha has U.S. Department of Defense contracts to teach mindfulness and compassion to the military. At the University of Miami, she works with football players and regular students to teach them resilience in the face of high stress, and regular everyday stress, too.

贾与美国国防部签订合同,向军方教授善意和同情心。在迈阿密大学(University of Miami),她与足球运动员和普通学生合作,教授他们面对高压力时的适应力,以及日常压力时的适应力。

What she, and many other scholars have found, is that compassion is key to coping. The compassionate tend to have deeper connections with others and more friends. They are more forgiving and have a stronger sense of life purpose. Many studies have shown these results.


Compassion also has direct personal benefit. The compassionate tend to be happier, healthier, more self-confident, less self-critical (pdf), and more resilient.


But if you've ever struggled to find loving kindness for the guy who cut you off on your morning commute, know you are not alone.


Recent politics have exposed real anger, coldness and polarization among Americans, polls say. We may even be getting less compassionate, as a 2009 study showed.


Compassion takes practice. But if you do practice, the experts promise the next time you get cut off, while you may not be happy about it, it won't ruin your morning.



How do you get to compassion?


A whole industry exists to teach you compassion, but it doesn't have to cost you money. You can start simply with a common exercise called the Loving Kindness Meditation.


In that quiet space, sit in a comfortable position. Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind. The key is to be present in that space in that time. Then mentally focus on your heart area and think about someone you feel tenderness toward. This could be your spouse or your mom or your child.


The people with the compassion training still felt these negative emotions, like those with empathy training did, but the part of their brain connected with reward and positive effect also lit up.
