英语听力汇总   |   狗的叫声和它们要表达的意思





Dog sounds and what they mean


Dogs make a lot of sounds. From howling and growling to whining and crying, a lot of different noises come out of those slobbery mouths.


Some dogs tend to be more talkative than others. VetStreet compiled a list of the chattiest dog breeds in a survey of more than 250 veterinary professionals. They found that beagles, Siberian huskies, Schnauzers, Chihuahuas and Yorkshire terriers tend to have the most to say. Other talkative breeds include Jack Russell terriers, basset hounds, German shepherds, dachshunds and, well, pretty much all terriers.


Some breeds also tend to have certain distinctive sounds, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). Rottweilers "purr," Siberian Huskies "talk," Shiba Inus "scream" and Basenjis "yodel" instead of barking, the organization says.

根据美国养犬俱乐部(AKC)的说法,有些品种也有一些独特的声音。该组织称,罗特韦尔犬(Rottweilers)会咕噜咕噜叫,西伯利亚哈士奇(Siberian Huskies)会说话,Shiba Inus会尖叫,Basenjis会叫yodel,而不是吠叫。

But in general, there are a handful of sounds most dogs make to communicate with other dogs and with people. This is how they vocalize their needs, frustrations, fears and pleasures.


From fear to frustration, dogs bark for lots of reasons. (Photo: Sundays Photography/Shutterstock)

Why do dogs bark? The answer obviously depends on the circumstances. Your dog could be alerting you to danger or just showing you how happy he is that you're home. A bark can indicate joy or fear, anger or awareness, frustration or need, according to the AKC. The key to understanding the bark is context and, of course, knowing your dog.


Barks sound different depending on their purpose and what triggers them.


A dog that is upset because of separation anxiety, for example, might have a high-pitched, repetitive bark that gets higher as the dog gets more anxious and upset, says Whole Dog Journal. Boredom barking, on the other hand, is more monotone and repetitive. An alert bark is usually sharp and staccato, while an alarm bark is similar with more intensity.

例如,《Whole dog Journal》说,一只因分离焦虑而心烦意乱的狗,可能会发出一种高音、重复的吠声,随着它变得更加焦虑和心烦意乱,吠声也会越来越高。另一方面,无聊的吠叫更加单调和重复。警报吠声通常是尖锐的、断断续续的,而提醒吠声与之相似,而且强度更大。

When your dog wants something from you, her barks are sharp and continuous. Suspicious barking is typically slow and low. Fearful barking is also low, but it's usually faster. And as Whole Dog Journal points out, playful barking just sounds playful.

当你的狗想从你这里得到什么东西时,它会发出尖锐而连续的吠声。可疑的狗叫声通常缓慢而低沉。可怕的狗叫声也很低,但通常更快。正如《Whole Dog Journal》所指出的,好玩的叫声听起来就是好玩。

Puppies make all sorts of dramatic groaning noises when they are settling down to nap, while older dogs may sign as they relax for their own naps. Those are good noises that make you maybe want to settle down and snuggle up with them too.
