There's no better feeling in the world than making somebody laugh. Well, other than making somebody laugh and forcing them to wonder whether what they’re seeing is, in fact, real. Genius prankster Jeff Wysaski, founder of the hilarious Obvious Plantproject, is at it again. He hid even more amazing fake toys and other products among real ones. We don’t grow out of toys just because we grow up. Obvious Plant obviously (pun intended) seems to know this and loves putting a satirical twist on things, so our jaws drop with wonder and confusion. Have a look through Obvious Plant’s newest crazy creations, upvote your faves and remember to let everyone know what you think of the project in the comments below! We all know how much everyone loves Obvious Plant’s pranks, so here are our previous posts about fake Christmas gifts, animal facts, self-help books, IKEA in-store reviews, and bootleg Avengers.
世界上没有比逗别人笑更好的感觉了。好吧,除了让别人笑,还可以迫使他们怀疑他们看到的是不是真的。天才恶作剧家Jeff Wysaski,欢闹的“显而易见”植物项目的创始人,又来了。他甚至把更多令人惊奇的假玩具和其他产品藏在了真品中。我们不会因为长大了就没有玩具了。显而易见的植物很显然(双关语)知道这一点,并且喜欢对事物进行讽刺性的扭曲,所以我们惊讶和困惑得目瞪口呆。来看看显而易见的植物最新的疯狂创意吧,给你最喜欢的投上一票,记得在下面的评论中让每个人都知道你对这个项目的看法!我们都知道每个人是多么喜欢显而易见的植物恶作剧,所以下面是我们之前关于假圣诞礼物、动物事实、自助书籍、宜家店内评论和盗版复仇者的帖子。
图片来源:Greta Jaruševičiūtė and Jonas Grinevičius