A group of pilot whales beached themselves on St. Simons Island on the coast of Georgia earlier this week, and humans were quick to respond.
Beachgoers help beached whales (Photo: Jordan Chriqui/Coastal Backwater Adventures)
The behavior, which is uncommon in this area, resulted in the deaths of three whales.
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is monitoring the situation, though they believe the threat to this pod has passed.
Social media posts estimated that between 20 to 30 whales ended up on the beach.
Officials say the pod of whales was seen again Wednesday swimming offshore.
"While stranding is a known natural occurrence, the only thing we can do is to continue pushing them out to sea," DNR senior wildlife Clay George said.
Among cetaceans, a group that includes whales and dolphins, the pilot whale is one of the most common species known to strand itself on beaches in mass numbers.
People at the St. Simon's pier try to help the whales. (Photo: Georgia Department of Natural Resources)
Officials plan to perform an autopsy on two of the whales that died to look for clues to the cause of the beaching.