In an age of standardized testing, students are spending more time learning how to fill in a circle with a pencil and less time learning skills that might help them get by — and get ahead — in life.
Here are five courses we wish more schools would add to their curriculum:
1.First aid. Along with CPR, students should learn other lifesaving skills such as the Heimlich maneuver as well as first aid basics like identifying an allergic reaction, making a splint, preventing infection and bandaging a wound.
It's key for young people to learn lifesaving skills like CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. (Photo: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock)
2.Home repair. It's amazing how many tasks there are to do around a house or an apartment. While most of us know how to unclog a toilet or hang a picture on the wall, far fewer of us can fix a drippy sink, change an air conditioner filter or hang a (level) set of shelves.
(Photo: JESUS DE FUENSANTA/Shutterstock)
3. Car repair. Even if we're not the drivers, most of us spend a good deal of time in cars each week, so it's important to know skills such as how to jump start a dead battery, how to check the air pressure in your tires and how to change a flat. Bonus points for classes that go over "simple" skills that many students are ashamed to admit they're unsure about, like pumping gas and checking the oil level.
What if you're by yourself on a rural road without phone reception and you get a flat tire? When you can't call roadside assistance, knowing how to change a tire is a safety skill. (Photo: SvedOliver/Shutterstock)
4.Swimming. Roughly 4,000 people die every year from accidental drowning. Most of those victims are under the age of 14. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for every child who dies from drowning, five more are treated in emergency departments for incidents related to drowning. Teaching kids to swim at a young age would go a long way toward minimizing these numbers.
游泳。每年大约有4000人死于意外溺水。这些受害者大多不到14岁。根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的数据,每有一名溺水儿童死亡,就有五名儿童因溺水相关事件在急诊室接受治疗。在孩子很小的时候教他们游泳对减少这些数字大有帮助。
Kids who learn to swim possess a useful and potentially lifesaving skill that will be with them forever. (Photo: wavebeakmedia/Shutterstock)
5.Self-defense. When most people think about self-defense classes they think about learning tricks to break boards with their fists or karate chop their opponent in the side. But self-defense is about teaching kids how to protect themselves: how to prevent bullying, how to identify dangers on the street and how to react in an emergency. Self-defense classes help build confidence by teaching kids they have the power to keep themselves safe.