埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe,1809—1849),美国作家、文艺评论家,也是美国最早的短篇小说家之一,尤以恐怖小说和侦探小说闻名于世。他于1841年发表的《莫格街谋杀案》(The Murders in the Rue Morgue)被公认为最早的侦探小说,埃德加·爱伦·坡本人也被奉为侦探小说的鼻祖。他的恐怖小说《陷坑与钟摆》(The Pit and the Pendulum)、《大漩涡历险记》(A Descent Into the Maelstrom)等更是为中国读者熟知。
埃德加·爱伦·坡是个唯美主义者,这篇关于页边留白和旁注的散文就能看出这一点。本文节选自1844年11月出版的《民主书评》(Democratic Review)杂志。作者“不是喜爱页边留白本身,而是觉得它适合用铅笔记下自己的思考、赞同、异议和短评”的阅读习惯是否能引起你的共鸣?
In getting my books, I have been always solicitous of an ample margin; this not so much through any love of the thing itself, however agreeable, as for the facility it affords me of pencilling suggested thoughts, agreements, and differences of opinion, or brief critical comments in general. Where what I have to note is too much to be included within the narrow limits of a margin, I commit it to a slip of paper, and deposit it between the leaves, taking care to secure it by an imperceptible portion of gum tragacanth paste.
All this may be whim; it may be not only a very hackneyed, but a very idle, practice; yet I persist in it still, and it affords me pleasure, which is profit, in despite of Mr. Bentham, with Mr. Mill on his back.
This making of notes, however, is by no means the making of mere memoranda, a custom which has its disadvantages, beyond doubt. “Ce que je mets sur papier,”says Bernardin de St. Pierre, “je remets de ma mémoire, et par conséquence je l'oublie”; and, in fact, if you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered.
But the purely marginal jottings, done with no eye to the memorandum-book, have a distinct complexion, and not only a distinct purpose, but none at all; this it is which imparts to them a value. They have a rank somewhat above the chance and desultory comments of literary chit-chat, for these latter are not unfrequently “talk for talk's sake,”hurried out of the mouth; while the marginalia are deliberately pencilled, because the mind of the reader wishes to unburthen itself of a thought—however flippant, however silly, however trivial, still a thought; indeed not merely a thing that might have been a thought in time and under more favorable circumstances. In the marginalia, too, we talk only to ourselves; we therefore talk freshly, boldly, originally, with abandonnement, without conceit; much after the fashion of Jeremy Taylor, and Sir Thomas Browne, and Sir William Temple, and the anatomical Burton, and that most logical analogist, Butler, and some other people of the old day, who were too full of their matter to have any room for their manner, which, being thus left out of question, was a capital manner, indeed—a model of manners, with a richly marginalic air.
The circumscription of space, too, in these pencillings, has in it something more of advantage than inconvenience. It compels us (whatever diffuseness of idea we may clandestinely entertain) into Montesquieu-ism, into Tacitus-ism (here I leave out of view the concluding portion of the Annals), or even into Carlyle-ism, a thing which, I have been told, is not to be confounded with your ordinary affectation and bad grammar. I say “bad grammar,”through sheer obstinacy, because the grammarians (who should know better) insist upon it that I should not. But then grammar is not what these grammarians will have it, and, being merely the analysis of language with the result of this analysis, must be good or bad just as the analyst is sage or silly—just as he is a Horne Tooke or a Cobbett.
But to our sheep. During a rainy afternoon, not long ago, being in a mood too listless for continuous study, I sought relief from ennui in dipping here and there, at random, among the volumes of my library—no very large one, certainly, but sufficiently miscellaneous, and, I flatter myself, not a little recherché.
Perhaps it was what the Germans call the “brain-scattering”humor of the moment; but, while the picturesqueness of the numerous pencil-scratches arrested my attention, their helter-skelteriness of commentary amused me. I found myself, at length, forming a wish that it had been some other hand than my own which had so bedevilled the books, and fancying that, in such case, I might have derived no inconsiderable pleasure from turning them over. From this the transition-thought (as Mr. Lyell, or Mr. Murchison, or Mr. Featherstonhaugh would have it) was natural enough: there might be something even in my scribblings which, for the mere sake of scribbling, would have interest for others.
I concluded, at length, to put extensive faith in the acumen and imagination of the reader;—this as a general rule. But, in some instances, where even faith would not remove mountains, there seemed no safer plan than so to remodel the note as to convey at least the ghost of a conception as to what it was all about. Where, for such conception, the text itself was absolutely necessary, I could quote it; where the title of the book commented upon was indispensable, I could name it. In short, like a novel-hero dilemma'd, I made up my mind “to be guided by circumstances,”in default of more satisfactory rules of conduct.
1.杰里米·边沁(Jeremy Bentham,1748—1832),英国功利主义哲学家、经济学家。
2.约翰·斯图尔特·密尔(John Stuart Mill,1806—1873),英国著名哲学家和经济学家,支持边沁的功利主义观点。
3.约翰·霍恩·图克(John Horne Tooke,1736—1812),英国政治家、语言学家、幽默大师,代表作《致地主》(Fads Addressed to Landholders)。
4.威廉·科贝特(William Cobbett,1763—1835),英国记者,著有《英语语法》(A Grammer of the English Language)一书。
5.查尔斯·莱尔(Charles Lyell,1797—1875),英国律师,地质学家,对达尔文、赫胥黎等人产生过重要影响。
6.罗德里克·默奇森(Roderick Murchison,1792—1871),苏格兰地质学家,曾与莱尔一起到法国南部研究地层结构。