亨利·米勒(Henry Miller,1891—1980),美国小说家,20世纪最重要的作家之一。其代表作是自传性小说三部曲《北回归线》(Tropic of Cancer)、《黑色的春天》(Black Spring)和《南回归线》(Tropic of Capricorn)。这些作品一度被出版社认为是淫秽之作而拒绝出版,问世后迅速在文坛上下引起轰动。
米勒被20世纪60年代“反正统文学运动”成员称为“自由与性解放的预言家”。当代诗歌鼻祖艾兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)则将其与文豪詹姆斯·奥古斯丁·阿洛伊修斯·乔伊斯(James Augustine Aloysius Joyce)和弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(Virginia Woolf)相提并论。
本文选自米勒1952年出版的作品《我一生中的书》(The Books in My Life)。作者饶有趣味地将人们“从未读过的书”分为三类,并将自己差点“错失良书”的经历娓娓道来,让人忍俊不禁。
I think it important to stress at the outset a psychological fact about the reading of books which is rather neglected in most works on the subject. It is this: many of the books one lives with in one's mind are books one has never read. Sometimes these take on amazing importance. There are at least three categories of this order. The first comprises those books which one has every intention of reading some day but in all probability never will; the second comprises those books which one feels he ought to have read, and which, some at least, he undoubtedly will read before he dies; the third comprises the books one hears about, talks about, reads about, but which one is almost certain never to read because nothing, seemingly, can ever break down the wall of prejudice erected against them.
In the first category are those monumental works, classics mostly, which one is usually ashamed to admit he has never read: tomes one nibbles at occasionally, only to push them away, more than ever convinced that they are still unreadable. The list varies with the individual. For myself, to give a few outstanding names, they comprise the works of such celebrated authors as Homer, Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Hegel, Rousseau (excepting Emile), Robert Browning, Santayana. In the second category I conclude Arabia Deserta, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The Hundred and Twenty Days of Sodom, Casanova's Memoirs, Napoleon's Memoirs, Michelet's History of the French Revolution. In the third Pepys' Diary, Tristram Shandy, Wilhelm Meister, The Anatomy of Melancholy, The Red and the Black, Marius the Epicurean, The Education of Henry Adams.
Sometimes a chance reference to an author one has neglected to read or abandoned all thought of ever reading—a passage, say, in the work of an author one admires, or the words of a friend who is also a book lover—is sufficient to make one run for a book, read it with new eyes and claim it as one's very own. In the main, however, the books one neglects, or deliberately spurns, seldom get read. Certain subjects, certain styles, or unfortunate associations connected with the very names of certain books, create a repugnance almost insuperable. Nothing on earth, for example, could induce me to tackle anew Spenser's Faery Queen, which I began in college and fortunately dropped because I left that institution in a hurry. Never again will I look at a line of Edmund Burke, or Addison, or Chaucer, though the last-named I think altogether worthy of reading. Racine and Corneille are two others I doubt if I shall ever look at again, though Corneille intrigues me because of a brilliant essay I read not long ago on Phédre in The Clown's Grail.
On the other hand there are books which lie at the very foundations of literature but which are so remote from one's thinking and experience as to render them “untouchable.”Certain authors, supposed to be the bulwark of our particular Western culture, are more foreign in spirit to me than are the Chinese, the Arabs, or primitive peoples. Some of the most exciting literary works spring from cultures which have not contributed directly to our development. No fairy tales, for example, have exercised a more potent influence over me than those of the Japanese, which I became acquainted with through the work of Lafcadio Hearn, one of the exotic figures in American literature. No stories were more seductive to me as a child than those drawn from the Arabian Nights' Entertainment. American Indian folklore leaves me cold, whereas the folklore of Africa is near and dear to me. And, as I have said repeatedly, whatever I read of Chinese literature (barring Confucius) seems as if written by my immediate ancestors.
I said that sometimes it is an esteemed author who puts one on the track of a buried book. “What! He liked that book?”you say to yourself, and immediately the barriers fall away and the mind becomes not only open and receptive but positively aflame. Often it happens that it is not a friend of similar tastes who revives one's interest in a dead book but a chance acquaintance. Sometimes this individual gives the impression of being a nitwit, and one wonders why he should retain the memory of a book which this person casually recommended, or perhaps did not recommend at all but merely mentioned in the course of conversation as being an “odd”book. In a vacant mood, at loose ends, as we say, suddenly the recollection of this conversation occurs, and we are ready to give the book a trial. Then comes a hock, the shock of discovery.
Wuthering Heights is for me an example of this sort. From having heard it praised so much and so often, I had concluded that it was impossible for an English novel—by a woman!—to be that good. Then one day a friend, whose taste I suspected to be shallow, let drop a few pregnant words about it. Though I promptly proceeded to forget his remarks, the poison sank into me. Without realizing it, I nurtured a secret resolve to have a look at this famous book one day. Finally, just a few years ago, Jean Varda put it in my hands. I read it in one gulp, astounded as is everyone, I suspect, by its amazing power and beauty. Yes, one of the very great novels in the English language. And I, through pride and prejudice, had almost missed reading it.
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Henry Miller 亨利·米勒
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1.乔治·桑塔亚那(George Santayana,1863—1952),美国自然主义哲学家、散文家、诗人、小说家。
2.埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser,1552—1599),英国文艺复兴时期的伟大诗人,对后世的弥尔顿、雪莱和济慈等诗人有深远影响。
3.埃德蒙·伯克(Edmund Burke,1729—1797),爱尔兰思想家,常被视为英美保守主义思想的奠基者。
4.约瑟夫·艾迪生(Joseph Addison,1672—1719),英国散文家、诗人。
5.杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340—1400),英国诗人,被誉为“英国诗歌之父”。
6.皮埃尔·高乃依(Pierre Corneille,1606—1684),法国古典主义悲剧代表作家,17世纪法国“戏剧三杰”之一。
7.让·拉辛(Jean Racine,1639—1699),法国剧作家、古典悲剧大师。
8.小泉八云(Kozumi Yakumo,1850—1904),原名帕特里克·拉夫卡迪奥·赫恩(Patrick Lafcadio Hearn),日本作家兼学者。他写过不少向西方介绍日本和日本文化的书,是现代怪谈文学的鼻祖。