Can something be done about this? One group of scientists has put forward some suggestions.
那么,我们可以做些什么吗?对此,牛津大学的Filippo Bianchi与其同事们在今年早些时候发表的研究中提出了以下建议。
1. Reduce portion size
Running counter to the American tendency to supersize everything, this strategy relies on restaurants and grocery stores to offer smaller default portions of meat, whether it's a main course or prepackaged meats for sale.
1. 减小肉类尺寸
2. Design greener menus
We know that creative 'nudges' can help people to make healthier food choices, but this same philosophy can be applied to pushing vegetarian meals. Bianchi wrote,
"Displaying the meat options on a separate restaurant board and only keeping plant-based options on the default paper menu made people four times more likely to go with a meat-free option, according to a study conducted in a simulated canteen."
If that's not possible, then mixing the plant-based options in with the meat ones on a menu is still better than separating them out and putting them at the end, which reduces likelihood of consumption.
3. Make meat harder to see.
Physical positioning does a lot. When meat is placed at the end of a buffet spread, after people have loaded up their plates with salads, soup, and vegetables, their meat intake is reduced up to 20 percent.
4. Show where meat comes from.
When meat is pictured as the animal it once was, it turns people off from eating it. "Research shows, for example, that presenting the image of a pork roast with the pig’s head still attached increases people’s demand for a plant-based alternative."
5. Make the vegetarian options delicious.
It's logical. The tastier it is, the more people will want to eat it. One thing I'd add is that developing hearty vegetarian fare is important, because meatless options are often limited to soups, salads, and wraps – not always enough to fill a ravenous person.