英语听力汇总   |   太能吃,自助餐厅将其拉黑





Jaroslav Bobrowski, a young Ironman triathlete from Germany, was recently banned by an-all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant for eating around 100 plates of food, something the owner considered “not normal” and very bad for business.

近日,德国一位名叫Jaroslav Bobrowski的男子由于太能吃,结果被一家自助寿司店拉黑了。眼看他一次性吃掉了100盘食物,店主认为这很不正常,并且对自己的生意非常不利。

30-year-old Bobrowski works as a software engineer, but also trains for Ironman triathlons and is on a special diet where he doesn’t eat anything for 20 hours a day and then eats until he is full. Last weekend, he and his girlfriend stopped at the Running Sushi all-you-can-eat restaurant in Landshut, Bavaria, where he paid the fixed price of €15.90 and spent about an hour and a half stuffing himself with around 100 plates of sushi. At one point, waiters just stopped clearing his table of plates and when he finally finished, the former bodybuilder was told that he wasn’t welcome anymore.


上周末,他和女朋友来到了巴伐利亚州兰茨胡特的Running Sushi无限量餐厅。在那里,他支付了15.90欧元的固定价格,花了大约一个半小时吃下了大约100盘寿司,甚至令服务员在途中停止清理他的餐桌。当他最后吃饱时,这位前健身爱好者被告知该餐厅不会再欢迎他了。

Jaroslav Bobrowski had been a regular at Running Sushi, and both the restaurant staff and the owner were aware of his healthy appetite, but it wasn’t until his latest and hungriest visit that they finally decided they didn’t want him as a customer. Apparently, the average person eats about 20 – 25 plates of sushi, so his 100 plates in one sitting is really bad for business.

事实上,Jaroslav Bobrowski一直都是该餐厅的常客,餐厅的员工与店主也都清楚他的胃口有多大。不过直到近日,他所显示出的惊人食量才让店主最终决定将他拒之门外。普通人通常会吃掉20–25盘寿司,可他却一口气吃掉了100盘,这显然对生意很不利。

“The gentleman has been here several times, and we noticed he eats up to 100 plates of sushi, which is not normal,” an employee of Running Sushi told the Donaukurier newspaper. “We hate sending customers away, but in this case we had to, because sometimes there would be no more sushi left for other guests. We’re sorry!”

Running Sushi餐厅的一名员工表示:「这位先生已经来过多次,我们注意到他吃掉了100盘寿司,这是不正常的。我们也很反感拒绝顾客,但在这种情况下我们不得不这样做,因为有时候会导致其他客人吃不到寿司。我们对此很抱歉!」

While Mr. Bobrowski, who stands at just 172 centimeters and only weighs 79 kilograms, was a bit disappointed to have been banned at first, he now laughs about it himself. After the story went viral in Germany, his athlete friends actually congratulated him on his achievement. After all, getting banned from an all-you-can-eat restaurant for eating too much is not something anyone can do.


Asked where he’ll be filling his belly from now on, the 30-year-old said that there is another sushi restaurant in Landshut. They noticed his appetite as well, but instead of banning him, they just subtly asked him if he’d like to order another drink with all that food. So he orders an extra drink, just so he can eat until he’s full.
