Yet, perhaps surprisingly, only a fraction of them actually feed on human beings - and, even when they do, they discriminate when choosing who's their next meal.
Some people end up covered in bites, while others escape with only a nibble or two. So why does this happen? And what factors might influence the mosquito’s choice?
Here, as detailed in The Conversation, Richard Halfpenny, a lecturer in biological sciences at Staffordshire University, explains what makes us worth biting.
来自斯塔福德郡大学的生物科学讲师Richard Halfpenny为我们揭晓了答案。
The human skin’s microbiota
The best evidence for what motivates a mosquito’s choice between different people is the variation in our skin microbiota.
We have an estimated 1m bacteria per square cm of skin, often comprising hundreds of species.
The odour this emits from our pores and hair follicles is the critical factor in telling mosquitoes how tasty we’d be.
In other words, mosquitoes don't select somebody for their inner biology, but rather for the micro-organisms that live on their skin.
The composition of our skin microbiota mostly depends on our environment – what we eat and where we live.
Everything we touch, eat, drink and wash with has the potential to introduce new microbes, but genetic variation is also thought to affect how hospitable our skin is to the various species of microbes.
This may be through genetically controlled production of proteins in the skin that act as barriers and prevent microbes from establishing and growing on the skin, or through more mundane aspects such as a person’s tendency to sweat or how oily their skin is.
It’s worth remembering that, as pure sweat has no discernible odour, sweating itself may not be responsible for attracting mosquitoes.