英语听力汇总   |   你的易怒暴露了你的自负





Do you have a short temper? Uh, so, don't hit us, but… you may not actually be as smart as you think you are. That's according to a new study by researchers in Poland and Australia.


And it's because anger is strongly related to traits such as optimism and narcissism, which tend to lead a person to overestimation of their own abilities.


"In a recent project I examined the relationship between anger and various cognitive functions," psychologist Marcin Zajenkowski of the University of Warsaw told Psypost.

“在最近的一个项目中,我研究了愤怒与各种认知功能之间的关系。”华沙大学的心理学家Marcin Zajenkowski说,

"I noticed from the literature review that anger differs significantly from other negative emotions, such as sadness, anxiety or depression. Anger is more approach oriented and associated with optimistic risk perception and generally optimistic bias."


He wanted to see if anger had any relationship with a bias in favour of the person's own abilities, so, together with psychologist Gilles Gignac of the University of Western Australia, designed an experiment to test it.

他想看看愤怒是否与高估自身能力有关,因此与西澳大利亚大学的心理学家Gilles Gignac一起设计了一个实验。

They recruited 528 people and had them fill out questionnaires. These questionnaires quizzed them on their temper, and asked them to also rate their own intelligence on a 25-point scale. Then they had to take an intelligence test.


There was no relationship found between the participants' temper and their actual intelligence levels. So you could, in fact, be a smart angry person.


However, those with a high temper were found, overall, to overestimate how intelligent they actually were. This facet of anger - overconfident optimism - was found to be related to narcissism. And it could be causing damage interpersonal relationships, too.


"Individuals with high Narcissism do not establish deep, intimate bonds with others, but rather surpass and dominate others. Correspondingly, Trait Anger is associated with problems in relationships," the researchers wrote in their paper.


"We speculate that these difficulties may be related to the thoughts of superiority to others, especially in the ability domain. Often, experiences of anger might result in thoughts such as, 'I am smart' and 'You are stupid', which may, in turn, cause problems in creating positive relations with others."

“我们推测可能与他人的优越感有关,特别是在能力领域。通常,愤怒中可能会产生诸如‘我聪明’ 和‘你是愚蠢的’ 之类的想法,反过来,怀抱这种想法,就会被对方的优越感激怒——‘你竟然愚蠢到不听从我的真知灼见’。”

The study did have limitations. All the participants were Polish university undergraduates, which may subject it to the WEIRD problem. The researchers' measure of self-assessed intelligence was also a somewhat simple one, and there may be more reliable ways of assessing overconfidence.


Lastly, it was based on self-report surveys, rather than an experiment. In these cases, it's possible that the participants' assessment of their own behaviour is inaccurate.


So a causal link between the correlation of anger and intelligence overestimation cannot be established at this point - further research would need to take place.


The team noted that they only assessed those with a disposition towards anger. Future research, they said, could also look at transient, fleeting anger to determine if a similar effect can be observed.


The team's research has been published in the journal Intelligence.
