
Certain routines are less healthy to abide by than others. Drink coffee too late, and you’ll have trouble getting to bed. Stay up too late, and you’re more likely to develop health complications down the road. On the contrary, you might have a better time finishing that latest biggest creative project if you don’t stay awake till the wee hours of the night.
And now, it might be time to start scheduling an earlier dinner if you want to live longer and healthier. A new study published today in the International Journal of Cancer suggests that the later you eat dinner, the more likely you are to develop breast and prostate cancer. That’s quite a staggering claim, especially when you consider that breast cancer is the most common type of cancer, and that prostate cancer afflicts about one in every nine men.
The new study, run by a large group of researchers in Spain, surveyed 621 individuals with prostate cancer and 1,205 individuals with breast cancer (plus 872 and 1,321 healthy males and females, respectively), collecting data relating to preferred times for dinner and sleep.
After adjusting for factors such as family of cancer, socioeconomic status, and environmental carcinogenic influencers, the research team found that individuals who eat dinner before 9:00 p.m. or wait at least two hours after finishing dinner before going to bed have about a 26 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer and a 16 percent lower risk for breast cancer, versus those who eat after 10:00 p.m. or go to bed soon after finishing their last meal of the day.
在调整了癌症的家族、社会经济状况和环境致癌影响因素等因素后,研究小组发现那些在晚上9点之前吃晚餐的人,或者在晚餐前吃完后至少两个小时才睡觉的人,患前列腺癌的风险低26%,患乳腺癌的风险低16%,而晚上10点以后吃饭的人则相反。 或者在吃完当天的最后一餐后很快就上床睡觉的人也是如此。
How exactly do we get to a study like this? The genesis of such an investigation is perhaps not as unusual as you might think. According to Manolis Kogevinas, a research professor at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health and the lead investigator of the new paper, the impetus for this investigation is essentially a lack of current data.
那么他们究竟是如何进行这样的研究的呢?这种调查的起源可能并不像你想象的那么罕见。根据巴塞罗那全球卫生研究所的研究教授和新论文的第一作者 Manolis Kogevinas 的说法,这次调查的动力基本上是缺乏现有数据。
“Breast and prostate cancer are the two cancers most closely related to night shift work and circadian disruption,” says Kogevinas. Disturbances in circadian rhythms, the biological processes that regulate sleep, energy levels, hormones and body temperatures over the 24-hour day, are already known to cause problems in the immune system, which can leave people more susceptible to tumor development. Kogevinas says light is the most important factor affecting circadian rhythms, followed by diet.
“乳腺癌和前列腺癌是与夜班工作和昼夜节律中断最密切相关的两种癌症,”Kogevinas 说。我们已知昼夜节律的紊乱的话,调节睡眠、能量水平、激素和24小时体温等的生物过程会受到影响,将导致免疫系统出现问题,这会使人们更容易受到肿瘤的影响。Kogevinas 说,光线是影响昼夜节律的最重要因素,其次是饮食。
While there are animal studies, plus a small number of human studies, that illustrate how the timing of diet can impact human health, Kogevinas says most of this research is limited to understanding how mealtimes affect obesity (and by extension obesity-related complications like diabetes and heart disease). There’s nothing that specifically tracks how meal times might affect cancer rates.
There have been quite a few studies that have explored what dietary patterns have to do with cancer, but according to Kogevinas, “this evidence focuses on type of diet and quantity, not on timing. We have practically nothing on timing of diet on big studies in humans and that is why we tested this hypothesis.”
已有不少研究探讨了饮食模式与癌症的关系,但根据 Kogevinas 的说法,“这一证据关注的是饮食和食量,而不是时间。我们几乎没有关于人类的饮食时间的大型研究,这就是我们测试这个假设的原因。“
There are, of course, a few major problems in this line of thinking. For one, no two individuals possess the exact same natural framework for when their bodies are best optimized to eat and sleep. One person’s 9:00 p.m. dinnertime is another’s snack time before a midnight meal, and another’s outright bed time. For all these individuals, their optimal dinner times differ drastically. A better predictor for cancer risk would be to track whether an individual’s own meal times deviate significantly from the times suggested by their specific chronotype (preferred sleep time and duration).
It’s also not totally clear why mealtime would affect cancer occurrence. How can eating later or going to sleep soon after bed cause health problems that lead to tumorigenesis? Kogevinas admits, “the mechanisms are not well understood and could involve several pathways.” Without understanding exactly how the timing of a meal might give rise to health problems that ultimately lead to cancer, the authors of the study have merely highlighted potential correlation, not causation.
我们也不完全清楚为什么进餐时间会影响癌症的发生。为何很晚才吃晚餐或者睡得晚会导致肿瘤等健康问题?Kogevinas 承认,“这些机制尚未得到很好的理解,可能涉及多种因素。” 我们没有得出明确的结论,该研究的作者仅仅强调了潜在的相关性,而不是因果关系。
Corrine Joshu, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who was not involved with the study, also notes that “the authors report that meal time was associated with a decreased risk among participants who adhere to major cancer prevention recommendations.” Individuals who waited even longer than two hours between dinner and sleep were 35 percent less likely to develop either cancer—but they happened to also be more likely to adhere to prevention recommendations set for by the World Cancer Research Fund or the American Institute for Cancer Research. This suggests that that individuals who ate earlier may simply be more attuned to living healthier in other ways that are more impactful to cancer prevention.
约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院的流行病学家 Corrine Joshu 没有参与这项研究,他还指出,“作者报告说,用餐时间与遵守重大癌症预防建议的参与者的风险降低有关。” 在晚餐和睡眠之间等待超过两小时的人患癌症的可能性降低了35% - 但他们也更有可能遵守世界癌症研究基金会或美国癌症研究所制定的预防建议。这表明,那些早吃晚饭的人可能会更加适应更健康的其他生活方式,这些方式对预防癌症更有影响。
There are also plenty of factors that complicate things. Since the researchers were in Spain, they had entirely Spanish participants, who tend to eat later than many other countries. It’s not quite as late as Americans might think—according to researchers, a 9:00 p.m. supper in Spain is considered as late as an 8:00 p.m. supper in London—but they are just one population. Average mealtimes and sleep times can differ greatly from country to country and continent to continent in ways that might influence the outcome if this study had been done in another location.
还有很多因素使事情复杂化。由于研究人员在西班牙,他们研究的完全是西班牙人,西班牙人往往比许多其他国家的人吃得晚。据研究人员称,但这不像美国人想象的那么晚。比如晚上9点的西班牙晚餐可以对应晚上8点的伦敦晚餐 - 但这也只是一部分人口。如果这项研究是在另一个地方完成的话,平均进餐时间和睡眠时间可能因国家、大洲和大陆而有很大不同,因而可能影响结果。
The sheer size of this study also forced the research team to rely solely on self-report of meal times. “In smaller studies of a few tens or a few hundreds of subjects we use actigraphs, sensors and other ways of recording daily patterns,” says Kogevinas. “In this case, it was impossible. We are aware that we certainly have errors in our assessment of timing,” although he emphasizes that “most probably we are underestimating the effect of timing [on cancer] rather than overestimating.”
这项研究的庞大规模也迫使研究团队完全依赖参与者用餐时间的自我报告。“在几十或几百个类目的小型研究中,我们使用活动记录仪、传感器和其他记录日常模式的方法,”Kogevinas 说。“在这种情况下,这是不可能的。我们意识到我们对时间的评估确实存在错误,“尽管他强调说”很可能我们低估了时间[对癌症]的影响而不是高估。“
Still, none of that is to say there’s no value in the study or that it should be dismissed. On the contrary, such a large population study focused on meal timings makes this investigation “one of, if not the first, of its kind,” says Joshu.. “Understanding the association between meal time and cancer risk is particularly relevant in current life, in which mistimed eating may be more common than in the past.”
尽管如此,这一点并不是说研究没有任何价值或者它应该被驳回。相反,如此大规模的人口研究主要集中在用餐时间上,这使得这项研究成为“同类中的第一项研究”,Joshu 说道。“了解用餐时间与癌症风险之间的关系在当前生活中尤为重要。其中不合时宜的饮食可能比过去更常见。“
Still, there is a great deal of follow-up that needs to be conducted in order to really validate the findings. Joshu echoes the need to understanding the biological connection between meal times and cancer risk before it’s acceptable to say one influences the other. “In addition,” she says, “prospective studies, in which participants are not asked to recall past eating patterns but report them in real time, would be beneficial and could help identify whether changing meal time patterns can decrease risk of these cancers.”
尽管如此,还是需要进行大量的后续工作才能真正验证调查结果。Joshu 说,理解了用餐时间和癌症风险之间的生物学联系的必要性,然后才能说一方影响另一方。“此外,”她说,“这是前瞻性研究,其中参与者不被要求回忆过去的饮食模式,而是实时报告,这将是有益的,可以帮助确定改变用餐时间模式是否可以降低这些癌症的风险。”
It’s premature to radically alter your lifestyle based on this single study, but if pushing your dinner time up makes your evening less hectic, consider trying it. Stress and lack of sleep both contribute to immune system deficiencies, and that is one of the few known ways that lifestyle choices impact your cancer risk. Planning for an earlier dinner might help you get the rest of your chores done on time and in bed earlier, and that really does improve your health.