英语听力汇总   |   共同居住:千禧一代的“老友记”式生活





NEW YORK — Tuesday was family dinner at WeLive Wall Street: vegetarian meatballs and grilled chicken, black truffle gravy and green peas. Thursday was a “craft jam” — terra cotta pot painting amplified by rosé and salty snacks — at Node in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. A few weeks earlier, I had made a terrarium at Jersey City Urby — bromeliads, plastic critters and rum punch, with the Marshall Tucker Band on the Sonos — and joined a bar crawl through the Lower East Side with a group from Quarters, open since mid-June on Grand Street.

纽约——周二是华尔街上WeLive的家庭晚餐:素肉丸和烤鸡,黑松露肉汁和青豆。周四,布鲁克林布什威克区的Node举办了“手工果酱”活动,玫瑰红酒和咸味小吃更为彩绘陶罐增色。几周前,我在泽西城的Urby做了一个玻璃植栽盆,里面有凤梨科植物和塑料动物,我喝着朗姆潘趣酒,Sonos扬声器里播放着马歇尔·塔克乐队(Marshall Tucker Band)乐队的歌曲;我还和来自格兰街六月中旬新开的Quarters的一群人结伴,巡游下东区的酒吧。

I slept in an adorable plywood cubby on Wall Street and on the 68th floor of the tallest residential building in Jersey City, in a flashy model apartment from which you could see all the way up the Hudson River to the George Washington Bridge, a view so vertiginous I dropped to my knees and crawled into bed on my elbows, special-ops-style. (Happily, at such a height, there were no neighbors to see me do so.)


These were some of my adventures in co-living, a housing model that draws inspiration from the single-gender residence hotels of the early 20th century and postwar intentional communities, along with modern co-working spaces and hacker hostels.


Conventional developers are starting to play with the idea, bringing a swankier gloss to what had been homespun group housing. Newer iterations seem more akin to the millennial-focused, hipster-amenitized luxury rental developments that are sprouting countrywide (with design tropes that include raw wood shelving, vintage board games, Dutch bikes and picture books like “The Selby Is In Your Place” strewn about the common areas).

传统开发商开始考虑这个想法,给原本朴素的群居模式披上了时尚的外衣。更新一些的版本似乎更接近配备时尚设施的豪华租赁开发项目,面向千禧一代。这些项目目前在全国各地兴起(设计手法包括在公共区域布置原木架子、复古桌游、荷兰自行车以及《西尔比在你这里》[The Selby Is In Your Place]等图画书)。

Using architecture, design and so-called community programming (craft jams and bar crawls, say) co-living aims to push people together. It’s housing buoyed by and addressing a collision of attendant themes: the sharing economy and a yearning for connection, social and professional, among overworked millennials and a workforce that’s increasingly freelance.


More prosaically, co-living can simply mean roommates and common rooms, like a dorm. For some developers, it’s a form of adaptive reuse: many co-living sites, like WeLive at 110 Wall St., are leased, in this case from the landlord of what once was an office building, drained of its tenants by Hurricane Sandy.


There are still co-living evangelists, like Brad Hargreaves of Common, who has promised that “the genuine and organic relationships our members build with each other,” as he wrote in a post for Medium, would not be tainted by allowing journalists to sleep over at Common properties (though they were welcome to tour). With over $23 million in financing, Common now operates in five cities, including out of eight houses in New York City.

有些人大力宣传共同居住,比如Common的布拉德·哈格里夫斯(Brad Hargreaves)。他在Medium上发表的帖子中承诺,“我们的成员彼此建立的真正的、有机的关系”,而且不会邀请记者来Common过夜,从而玷污这种关系(虽然他欢迎记者前来参观)。Common获得了230万美元的投资,目前在五个城市运营,包括纽约市的八处房屋。

Some co-living ventures have collapsed under the weight of their ideals, like the utopian Pure House, started by Ryan Fix, now 42, in his Williamsburg loft in 2012.

有些合住尝试由于理想的重压失败了,比如42岁的瑞安·菲克斯(Ryan Fix)2012年在他的威廉斯堡敞开式公寓里创立的乌托邦式住所Pure House。

“It was an experiment that grew out of control,” he said the other day, speaking by WhatsApp audio from his computer in London. “I was curating incredibly talented creatives and entrepreneurs committed to social impact as roommates,” a mission that does seem a tad overwhelming.


Eventually, Fix added 25 Brooklyn apartments to his Pure House portfolio. He recalled organizing dinner parties and morning raves, weekend jaunts to upstate New York and Burning Man, and the overall emotional cost of being a mentor to 65 people, some of whom fell in love, went traveling and started new businesses, he added — juicy alliances he is proud to have overseen.

最终,菲克斯在他的Pure House项目中增加了25套位于布鲁克林的公寓。他回忆了自己组织的晚宴和晨会,还有周末去纽约州边远地区的短途旅行和火人节(Burning Man),以及为65个人当导师的情感代价。其中有人恋爱了,去旅行了,开创了新的生意,他补充道——这都是在他的监督下令他引以为傲的有趣结盟。

Worn out by so much connectivity, Fix turned over the Pure House leases to his tenants. Now, he is a co-living consultant. With a colleague in Paris, he started Pure House Lab, a nonprofit “do-tank,” as he put it, offering workshops, research and other services to the co-living movement, about which he remains bullish.

因为联系过多而感到疲惫的菲克斯将Pure House的租约转交给了自己的租户。现在,他是一名合住顾问。他和巴黎的一位同行一起开创了Pure House实验室,按他的话说,这是一个非营利“行动库”,为合住运动提供研讨会、研究和其他服务,对此他仍然充满信心。

“Loneliness and anxiety are still on the rise,” he said. “The opportunity is to build environments with more points of collision. Creating nurturing spaces where people can share and connect is transformative for the planet.”


Somewhere, no doubt in the middle of some celestial agora, Holly Whyte is rolling his eyes.

此刻霍利·怀特(Holly Whyte)肯定正在某个天国市集里翻着白眼。

With a design by Concrete, a Dutch firm, the 69-story Jersey City Urby, the second in a portfolio of new urbanist rentals by Ironstate Development, is a step up, architecturally, for its bland waterfront neighborhood. Its stacked glass volumes rise like elegant Legos over the Hudson. Inside, an armada of common areas stretch out with the sort of design flourishes and perks you’d see in Facebook’s campus in Menlo Park, California: a coffee bar; an AstroTurf lawn; a fire pit; an enormous outdoor swimming pool; and a living room with vintage board games, comfy sofas and, laid out, gallery-style, on slim wood shelves, tongue-in-cheek book titles that include the Dr. Seuss parody “Oh the Meetings You’ll Go To!” along with small batch magazines like Oh Comely and Hole & Corner.

由荷兰公司Concrete设计的69层Urby泽西城(Jersey City)是开发商Ironstate Development旗下新城市规划租赁项目的第二套。从建筑上看,这使周围平淡无奇的滨水区环境有了进步。层叠的玻璃大楼像雅致的乐高玩具一样俯瞰着哈德逊。其中,有一整套的公共区域向外延伸,那种热闹而充满活力的设计,就和你会在加州门洛帕克的Facebook园区内看到的一样:一家咖啡厅、一块人造草坪、一个火盆、一个巨大的室外游泳池;一个有老式桌游、舒适沙发的客厅;细长的木头架子上有花园式的摆设,其中有包括苏斯博士诙谐的《哦,你要开的那些会!》(Oh the Meetings You’ll Go To!)等半开玩笑似的书籍名称,旁边还有一小摞Oh Comely和Hole & Corner之类的杂志。

In the sky-lighted mailroom, bright blue metal mailboxes look like mini high school lockers; above, ferns and vines erupt from canvas bags. Though Jersey City Urby, like its sister property on Staten Island, is not quite co-living — it is, essentially, a conventional apartment building with 762 units that rent with conventional leases — its community features are right out of the co-living playbook. (Rents start at $2,500 for a studio.)


The building has both an artist and a scientist in residence. The Staten Island Urby has its own farmer. In June alone, there were all sorts of socially sticky events: wine tastings and ice cream socials; a farmers’ market tour; movies on the pool patio; and terrarium night, held in the Urby Lab, a one-bedroom model apartment on the 68th floor, all of which were overseen by Jo Rausch, 32, director of culture and events for the Urby properties (the newest just opened in nearby Harrison) — and all overbooked.

这栋大楼里有一个艺术家,还有一个科学家。史坦顿岛的Urby有自己的农夫。仅在6月,就有各种各样具有社交黏性的活动:品酒会和冰激凌社交、农夫市集游览、泳池露台电影、玻璃花园之夜,这些都在68楼的一室样板房——Urby实验室内举办,所有活动都由32岁的Urby地产文化活动主管乔·劳舍(Jo Rausch)监督(最新的地产开设在哈里森附近)——而这些活动都被超量预定了。

We were a full table that evening, passing acid-hued moss and tiny plastic creatures to tuck into our globe-shaped terrariums. There was Akshata Puri, a 31-year-old senior data analyst; Bea Walter, 22, a photographer who had just graduated from New York University; and Meghan Kershaw, 31, a nutrition science and policy researcher who works out of the one-bedroom she shares with her husband, Josh, a technology associate at JPMorgan Chase. Kershaw said that by evening, she is more than ready to leave their apartment. “I’m always looking for community,” she said.

那个晚上,我们一桌坐满了人,传递着色彩炫目的苔藓和小小的塑料动物,用来放进我们的球形玻璃栽培箱中。参加活动的有31岁的高级数据分析师阿克莎塔·普里(Akshata Puri),有刚从纽约大学毕业的22岁摄影师贝亚·沃尔特(Bea Walter),还有在一室的公寓内办公的31岁营养科学和政策研究员梅根·克肖(Meghan Kershaw),她的丈夫乔希是摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的技术助理。克肖说,到了晚上,她已经非常希望离开他们的公寓了。“我总是在寻找社区,”她说。