英语听力汇总   |   婚姻与健康





Every summer, thousands and thousands of couples tie the knot. That decision has lasting effects on their health over time.


Researchers have identified a variety of trends that show how getting married changes people.


There has historically been an idea that marriage is good for your physical and mental health, perhaps due to the idea that having a supportive partner can make a person healthier.



But more recent research has revealed that the relationship between marriage, health, and well-being is more complicated, with both benefits and drawbacks.


Evidence suggests that married men and women have a lower risk for certain types of heart disease than their single counterparts, for example, but married people are also more likely to be overweight.


Of course, these observed trends don't hold true for everyone. Every marriage is different, depending on the individuals involved, their relationship, their plans, lifestyles, and more – without even counting external factors.


And there's much less research on the effects of marriage on same-sex couples so far.


But with that in mind, here are some of the ways that marriage tends to affect partners physically and mentally.


  • Married people tend to have better overall health than other adults, even after controlling for age, sex, race, education, income, and other factors.
  • 整体而言,已婚人士比单身人士更健康——在控制了年龄、性别、种族、教育程度、收入及其它因素后,此结论依然成立。
  • But a large study published last year found those health benefits were mostly observable in older married adults. Among younger adults, married people essentially saw no overall health benefit compared to their unmarried peers.
  • 不过,一项去年发表的大型研究发现:这些健康益处在老年夫妇身上体现得最明显;就年轻人而言,已婚人士没比单身人士健康。
  • One study found that older married LGBT adults reported better quality of life, with partnered and married adults in the study reporting better health than single adults.
  • 一项研究发现:相较于单身人士,年长的已婚LGBT人群的生活质量更高,已婚及有伴侣的LGBT人群更健康。
  • But married people - especially men - are more likely to be overweight and obese. Both men and women are less likely to get enough exercise after marriage.
  • 然而,已婚人士更容易超重和肥胖,尤其是男性。结婚后,男性和女性获得足量锻炼的几率都有所下降。
  • Married men are more likely to use preventative healthcare, however, getting physicals and recommended cancer screenings.
  • 不过,已婚男性采取预防保健(看医生、做癌症筛查)的几率也更高。
  • And married men and women have a lower risk for certain types of heart disease: peripheral artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and coronary artery disease. But risk for heart disease may be higher for divorced or widowed individuals.
  • 已婚男女患某些心脏疾病的风险较低,包括:外周动脉疾病、脑血管疾病、腹主动脉瘤、冠状动脉疾病。但对离异人士和鳏夫寡妇而言,这类疾病的风险反而更高。
  • Married people report better mental health and lower alcohol use, according toa large Canadian public-health survey.
  • 加拿大的一项大型公众健康调查发现:已婚人士心理更健康,饮酒量更低。
  • One recent study found that in the first year of marriage, men tended to become more conscientious, while women became less neurotic. But that same study found that women became less open and men became less extroverted in that first year.
  • 一项近期研究表明:在结婚第一年内,男性的尽责程度会上升,女性的神经质程度会下降;但与此同时,女性的开放程度和男性的外倾程度有所下降。

But these benefits and drawbacks shouldn't be a reason to get married or not. Over time, our understanding of how marriage affects people has changed and become more refined.


Some researchers think the reason single people's health appears to be better now than it used to when compared to married counterparts is that there's less societal stigma around single lifestyles these days.


But even if marriage is associated with certain health benefits, that alone isn't enough reason to partner up.


Maintaining relationships has been shown to be a key part of lasting wellness, but there are many kinds of intimate partnerships.
