英语听力汇总   |   女性小岛,男性禁入!





Hardcore feminists searching for a vacationing spot where they don’t have to interact with men at all need look no further than SuperShe Island, a women-only island resort off the coast of Finland.



SuperShe Island is the brainchild of American entrepreneur Kristina Roth, who decided to invest in a women-only resort after realizing that being around men was distracting to other women. While vacationing at the Ashram in Calabasas, Calif., and the nearby Ranch Malibu, Roth noticed that women would focus more on the men than themselves, so she started contemplating the idea of a women-only resort where visitors could relax without any male distractions.

SuperShe岛是美国企业家Kristina Roth的主意,她发现只要周围有男性在,女性就会有点心不在焉,于是想要投资一块女性专属的地盘。在加州修道院度假时,她发现女性对男性的关注多于对她们自己的关注,于是冒出了这个想法。

“When there was a cute guy, women would put on lipstick,” Kristina told The New York Post about her holiday observations. “The idea is, hey, focus on yourself — don’t try to get your hormones up.”


Roth made it clear that she enjoyed her mixed gender vacations and has nothing against men, but she just felt that there was a need for a “no men allowed” resort where women could relax and refill their batteries without getting distracted.


SuperShe Island remained just a crazy idea until Kristina visited a gorgeous 8.4-acre patch of land, off the coast of Finland. She had fallen in love with a local man, and he kept telling her that there was this beautiful island for sale, but she really wasn’t interested in it at first.


“His parents own an island on the archipelago, and he kept telling me, the island next door is for sale,” Roth said. “I said, ‘I’m not interested, I just bought a beautiful piece of land in Turks and Caicos — I’m really not interested.’”


When she saw the island, however, she was enchanted by the secluded wooded paradise and bought it. It was the perfect place for the women-only resort she had envisioned, so she started work on making a reality right away.


SuperShe Island will house ten guest cabins, a spa, and various adventure activities. There will be daily cooking and fitness courses available, along with yoga and meditation classes, but Roth plans to add whatever other activities women find appealing.


According to a recent SuperShe press-release, “women need to spend time with other women. Being on vacation with men can be draining and demanding. We want SuperShe Island to be rejuvenating and a safe space where women can go to reinvent themselves and their desires. A place where you can recalibrate with no distractions.”


So far SuperShe Island has only been visited by Roth’s closest women friends, but reservations will open to the public in July. The entrepreneur said that she would vet women interested in the experience by requiring current members to vouch for applicants.“I’d like to vet the person and see that they’re well-rounded, and would fit in, but I don’t want to be elitist.” she told the NY Post.


The exclusion of men based on the idea that women wouldn’t ‘put on lipstick’ to impress them and focus on themselves instead seems to ignore the existence of lesbians altogether, not to mention the fact that men are reduced to mere ‘distractions’. The whole sex-based segregation idea seems all wrong, to be honest. We’ll see how the public reacts when SuperShe Island opens in July.
