Moms who take care of the kids are working basically 2.5 jobs—for free.
And it must be said: stay-at-home dads are not excluded. The survey gauges the amount of time spent in some aspect of both child care and housework, including making food for the tribe.
2,000 American moms of children aged five to 12 were surveyed for this study by the company Welch's. Some of the results:
- Average daily start time: 6:23 a.m.
- Average end time (when they are officially “off the clock”): 8:31 p.m.
- The average mom gets just 1 hour and 7 minutes to herself every day
- 4-in-10 moms felt like their lives were a never-ending series of tasks, every day of the week
That adds up to a 14-hour shift, every day of the week.
Not surprisingly, coffee, wine, naps, and the ability to quickly adopt an angry voice were some of the things they couldn’t live without. Family helping out or and other trustworthy babysitter help also topped the list.
“When it comes to making decisions around a family’s diet and overall nutrition the burden often lands with Mom who, as the survey shows, has very little time to spare. The ability to offer a quick snack or beverage that she can be reassured is nutritious for the whole family is something that can’t be underestimated in making a difference to her day.” says Casey Lewis, MS, RD and Health & Nutrition Lead at Welch's.
韦尔奇公司营养与健康中心的领导,理科硕士Casey Lewis说道:“当涉及到家庭饮食和整体营养的决策时,重担往往会落到全职妈妈们的肩头。但是正如调查所显示的那样,全职妈妈很少有自己的空闲时间。因此,每一位全职妈妈都有一种很强悍的能力——在短时间内就能为全家人准备好营养均衡的饮食,而这种能力是不可低估的”。
According to the UN, unpaid work is a crucial support for insufficient social services and bolsters the economy. Its value is estimated to be between 10 and 39 percent of a nation's GDP.
据联合国称的统计,无偿工作既是对社会服务不足的强有力的补充与支持,也是促进经济发展的关键。无偿工作的价值估计占一个国家 GDP 的10% 到39%,这已经是一个很可观的数字了。
Mother’s Day 2018 is on Sunday, May 13 this year; time for some spoiling, don’t you think?