英语听力汇总   |   13个单词的迷你版摩登情爱故事





Most of the essays we publish in Modern Love are about 1,500 words, and most of their authors could probably wax on longer if space and time were infinite. We wanted to see how readers would fare with far fewer words — 13, to be precise. Here are their Modern Love stories, in miniature.

我们在《摩登情爱》(Modern Love)栏目中发表的文章大多都在1500个单词左右。如果没有篇幅和时间限制,大部分作者也许能一直写下去。我们想看看读者如何用少得多的字数讲述自己的爱情故事——确切地说,是13个单词。下面是他们的迷你版摩登情爱故事。

Always laugh, especially after learning your husband took Ecstasy on your first date.


Jamie, Dallas 杰米(Jamie),达拉斯

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Strictly avoids long walks on the beach. Lets me have all the covers.


Keira Mayock, Charlotte, N.C. 凯拉·马约克(Keira Mayock),北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市

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A farmer’s wife is lonely from April to October. But what a view.


Charlotte McMullen, Ashville, Pa. 夏洛特·麦克马伦(Charlotte McMullen),宾夕法尼亚州阿什维尔

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No-strings-attached sex, except for two kids, a mortgage and a dog.


Rachel Engel, Derby, Kan. 蕾切尔·恩格尔(Rachel Engel),堪萨斯州德比市

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Walmart, car service, she repairs my heart daily. She is my love balance.


Kat Harris, Charlotte N.C. 卡特·哈里斯(Kat Harris),北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市

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Smile, though your heart is breaking. Then key his new BMW. It helps.


Sheila, Los Angeles ——希拉(Sheila),洛杉矶

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We both love craft beer and public radio. So we’re insufferable, but together.


Laura Fluty, Saint Peters, Mo. 劳拉·弗卢蒂(Laura Fluty),密苏里州圣彼得斯

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My dad calls my mom Love, almost as if that is her name.


Grace Gardner, Atlanta 格蕾丝·加德纳(Grace Gardner),亚特兰大

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Subway commute. Missed connection. Craigslist ad. Reconnection. Could not spell burrito. Lost connection.


Stephanie Costa, Brooklyn, N.Y. 斯蒂芬妮·科斯塔(Stephanie Costa),纽约市布鲁克林区

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He now splurges on organic mac and cheese. He must seriously love me.


Jade Thurston, Bellingham, Wash. 杰德·瑟斯顿(Jade Thurston),华盛顿州贝灵汉市。

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When you accept his urge to fold both of your clothes after sex.


Luise Yang, London 露易丝·杨(Luise Yang),伦敦

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He picked me up hitchhiking and I married him. It didn’t last long.


Connie Kuhns, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia 康妮·库恩斯(Connie Kuhns),不列颠哥伦比亚盐泉岛

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Friend with benefits eventually becomes ex-husband who pays less arousing, more satisfying benefits.


Sarah McKittrick, Baltimore 莎拉·麦基特里克(Sarah McKittrick),巴尔的摩

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Our initial plan to be just friends lasted for less than a week.


Teresa Nield, West Hills, Calif. 特蕾莎·尼尔德(Teresa Nield),加利福尼亚州西希尔斯市

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Fate = Joint baby shower at age 0, happily married 27 years later.


Lisa Eng, Menlo Park, Calif. 丽莎·恩格(Lisa Eng),加利福尼亚州门洛帕克市

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I regret lending you that book more than I regret the terrible sex.


Maria Martens, Berlin 玛丽亚·马滕斯(Maria Martens),柏林

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How to find a partner: Secretly date while your friends are on vacation.


Sarah Ghoshal, East Brunswick, N.J. 萨拉·戈沙尔(Sarah Ghoshal),新泽西州东布伦瑞克

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I was sad. He sent me dinosaur erotica. I knew it was love.


Meredith Schwartz, Atlanta 梅雷迪斯·施瓦兹(Meredith Schwartz),亚特兰大

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Golda: Gold (Yiddish). Suits her; she’s like a pot of gold (after divorce).


Amy Schreibman Walter, London 艾米·施赖布曼·沃尔特(Amy Schreibman Walter),伦敦

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Never bring up similarities between your spouse and your mother-in-law during a fight. [Editors’ note: We’re treating “mother-in-law” as one word here, because we couldn’t resist.]


Marlene Fischer, Armonk, N.Y. 玛琳·费舍尔(Marlene Fischer),纽约州阿蒙克

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She talks fast. She begins stories at their endings. Sorry, What? Sorry. Sorry.


Jack Ortiz, Madison, Wisc. 杰克·奥尔蒂斯(Jack Ortiz),威斯康星州麦迪逊

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How could you know Trader Joe’s parking lot would be our first kiss?


Leslie Dallas, Santa Monica, Calif. 莱斯利·达拉斯(Leslie Dallas),加利福尼亚州圣塔莫尼卡

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I’m definitely allergic to this dog. How do you choose, asthma or sex?


Maisie Breit, Agadir, Morocco 梅齐·布莱特(Maisie Breit),摩洛哥阿加迪尔

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Ukrainian village in Peace Corps, he offered me what I couldn’t resist: Wi-Fi.


Mary Offutt-Reagin, Terebovlya, Ukraine 玛丽·奥法特-雷金(Mary Offutt-Reagin),乌克兰捷列博夫利亚

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My dog would hide his clothes. Should’ve been my first clue. Dogs know.


Litsa Dremousis, Seattle 莉莎·德雷穆西斯(Litsa Dremousis),西雅图

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I thought I was straight. She thought she was straight. We were wrong.


Rachael Ní Chonchúir, Ireland Rachael Ní Chonchúir,爱尔兰

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Met on Internet. Left my girlfriend for him. He left his. No regrets.


Eve Fritz, France 伊夫·弗里茨(Eve Fritz),法国

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Wartime. She hated writing letters, did it anyway. 70 happy years this October.


Roger Cochrun, Saranac, Mich. 罗杰·考克伦(Roger Cochrun),密歇根州萨拉纳克

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I have two former fiancés. One, sadly, is dead. The other should be.


Sara, New York 萨拉(Sara),纽约

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Supported my crazy ideas, listened to me ugly-cry, stole my heart forever.


Rachel Waldman, New York 蕾切尔·沃尔德曼(Rachel Waldman),纽约

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Locked eyes with my baby nephew, he smiled. But maybe it was gas?


Rekha Mishra, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 莉卡·米什拉(Rekha Mishra),加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯

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They said “no dating” in your first year of sobriety. They were right.


Caroline Grand, San Antonio, Tex. 卡洛琳·格兰德(Caroline Grand),德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥

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Age 5, when love means naming your pet goldfish after best friend Molly.


Melissa Rodman, New York 梅丽莎·罗德曼(Melissa Rodman),纽约

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Boy meets boy. Sparks fly. Boy kisses boy. Boy, oh boy, oh boy.


Boyd Davis, Kansas City, Mo. 博伊德·戴维斯(Boyd Davis),密苏里州堪萨斯城