目前已经出现了太多关于iPhone X的文章,以至于人们很难看得过来。屏幕顶端(摄像头位置)的“齐刘海”要不要紧?Face ID会让黑客窃取你的面容吗?没有Home键,你会不知所措吗?
The answer to those questions is no — but they rather miss the point. The best thing about the iPhone X is that it fits a plus-sized screen into a casing only a little bigger than a standard-sized iPhone. It is no more and no less revolutionary than that.
这些问题的答案都是否定的——但是它们都没问到点子上。iPhone X最棒的地方在于,它拥有大尺寸的屏幕,而机身却只比标准(非plus版)的iPhone大一点。iPhone X的变革性仅在于此,但这确实是伟大的变革。
All the other features ultimately derive from that shift — removing the home button to shrink the overall size; replacing fingerprint authentication with facial recognition; rethinking how you use the touchscreen. And they all work just as well as you would hope for a $1,000 phone.
I am unlikely to be able to persuade you that this phone, or any other, is worth a four-figure sum. I use my iPhone more than almost any other object I own: certainly more than my car or my television, probably even more than my laptop. For me, that makes it worth the extra investment, especially — as Apple chief Tim Cook quaintly put it last week — given the price is less than going to “one of these nice coffee places” every day for a year.
我不太可能说服你,iPhone X或其他任何别的手机值得四位数的价格。我使用iPhone的频率比使用我拥有的其他任何一件物品的频率都要高:肯定比我使用车或电视更频繁,甚至可能比我使用笔记本还要频繁。我觉得,这样来看多花一点钱也值了,更何况按照苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)上周提出的奇葩算法,iPhone X的价格还不够你每天一次、去“一家好一点的咖啡店”喝一年咖啡。
But just as when I change anything on which I rely every day, I did find there was a period of adjustment.
I had anticipated that losing the home button, something I have clicked hundreds of times a day for the best part of a decade, would be the biggest shock. In fact it was surprisingly easy to give up. Swiping up from the bottom of the iPhone’s screen is just as fast and, without needing to apply pressure, in many ways easier.
On the other hand, moving access to iPhone’s control centre (containing shortcuts to its camera, screen brightness, volume and wireless connections) from the bottom of the screen to the top right feels awkward. Because the iPhone X’s 5.8-inch screen is longer than the normal 4.7-inch size, the top is just a little too hard to reach one-handed.
另一方面,把访问iPhone控制中心(包含访问相机、调整屏幕亮度和音量以及开关无线连接的快捷方式)的位置从屏幕底部移至屏幕右上,感觉很别扭。 由于iPhone X的5.8英寸屏幕比正常4.7英寸的屏幕更长,因此单手有点难够到屏幕右上的位置。
The iPhone X’s most profound change, technologically speaking, is the switch from Touch ID to Face ID. Touch ID was a brilliant invention because it made being more secure less effort. Face ID is even easier, because all you have to do is look at the phone. It worked in the dark and with or without my glasses.
从技术上讲,iPhone X最重大的变化就是将Touch ID改为Face ID。Touch ID是一项杰出的发明,因为它使得人们可以更不费力地提升安全性。Face ID甚至更方便,因为你所要做的只是看一眼手机。它在黑暗环境下也能使,而且无论我戴没戴眼镜它都能识别。
Given the complexity of achieving this securely and reliably from any angle, Face ID works stunningly well. It is the new touchstone for how Apple’s hardware, software and silicon can combine to create features that other smartphone makers cannot.
考虑到在任何角度都安全可靠地实现这一点的复杂性,Face ID表现得非常出色。这是新的试金石,体现出苹果的硬件、软件和硅片结合起来如何能创造出其他智能手机制造商无法实现的功能。
A particularly delightful element of Face ID is the way that notifications hide their content from the home screen (the text of an email or iMessage, for instance) until the iPhone X sees that you are looking directly at it. It is an optional feature but another way in which Apple is making it easy to be more secure.
Face ID格外好的一点是,在iPhone看到你在直视它之前,主屏幕上可以只显示通知标记,而不显示内容(比如电子邮件或iMessage内文)。这是一项可选功能,但也是苹果让提升手机安全性变得简便的又一个例子。
Nonetheless, Face ID does cause the occasional issue where Touch ID did not. It sometimes refuses to unlock when I pick it up from my bedside table. This is perhaps forgivable, given my face is partly obscured by pillow, but it is a situation in which I find myself most mornings. The good news is that the “neural engine” inside the iPhone X helps Face ID to learn with every unlock, so it may improve over time.
尽管如此,Face ID确实会导致一个Touch ID不会遇到的偶发问题。当我从床头柜上拿起手机时,它有时会拒绝解锁。这或许是可以原谅的,因为我的脸被枕头遮住了一部分,但这就是我大多数早上会遇到的状况。好消息是,iPhone X内部的“神经引擎”可以帮助Face ID在每次解锁时学习,所以随着时间推移,Face ID可能会表现得越来越好。
One thing that will not improve is Face ID’s ability to work through my sunglasses. Certain sunglasses block the infrared light that the iPhone X shines on my face, and mine seem to be among them. Its array of 30,000 infrared dots is central to making Face ID both more secure and, in most situations, more reliable.
我戴着太阳镜时Face ID没法识别,这一点不会改善。某些太阳镜会阻挡iPhone X射向我脸上的红外线,而我的太阳镜似乎就是其中之一。它的3万个红外线光点是确保Face ID更安全、而且在大多数情况下更可靠的核心。
The sunglasses issue may not matter to people who live in less sunny places (should I mention that I ate dinner outside last night here in California? Probably not). The only solutions seem to be removing the sunglasses every time, typing in the numerical passcode, or buying new sunglasses (and what is the price of another few cappuccinos between phones?).
如果你生活在阳光不那么强烈的地方,太阳镜的问题可能不要紧(我是不是应该提一下,昨天晚上,在我们加州这儿,我是在室外吃的晚餐?还是别提了吧)。 仅有的解决方案似乎有如下几种:每次都取下太阳镜,输入数字密码,或者购买新的太阳镜(跟手机比起来这算什么,不就是再多几杯卡布奇诺的钱吗?)。
What does really matter is that screen. A bigger display in a smaller package is long overdue for the iPhone, given Samsung has been at it for almost three years now.
Apple’s first OLED screen to me just looks brilliant, in the true sense of the word, with the software somehow seeming closer to the surface of the glass than in previous iPhones.
While Samsung is the company supplying much of Apple’s OLED displays, the iPhone diverges from its rival’s Galaxy devices in how it uses the screen.
I loved the way the Samsung Galaxy S8’s screen curves at the edges, making the whole handset seem sleeker and thinner. The iPhone X’s screen is flat and the body is slightly thicker than its predecessors. That makes it feel bulkier in the pocket but it does avoid some of the accidental touches and inputs that were sometimes an issue on the exposed edge of the S8.
我喜欢三星Galaxy S8的屏幕在边缘处弯曲的设计,这让整个手机看起来更时尚、更薄。iPhone X的屏幕是平的,机身也比前几款iPhone稍厚。这使得它在口袋里更占地,但它确实避免了一些误触和误输入——S8的弯曲边缘有时会有这些问题。
Where the iPhone X really capitalises on its new screen is in the software. The touchscreen’s responsiveness is twice as fast as previous iPhones, which makes the way iOS tracks fingers and renders animations feel much smoother than before.
iPhone X真正发挥了新屏幕优势的地方在于软件。新屏幕的触摸响应速度是旧款iPhone的两倍,这让iOS追踪手指和显示动画的效果比以前流程得多。
New design touches in iOS make the most of this. Instead of the solid press of the old home button, we have a fluid swipe which lends the iPhone X software a feeling of weightlessness. (The hardware, on the other hand, is noticeably heavier than an iPhone 8.) iOS中的一些新设计充分利用了这一点。只需在屏幕底部轻轻滑动,无需像过去那样真正按下home键,这让iPhone X的软件有种轻盈感(另一方面,iPhone X明显比iPhone 8重)。
Another way in which ditching the home button improves the user experience is switching between apps. Instead of double clicking and sliding through the windows of apps, the iPhone X lets you move instantly from one to another by sliding your finger from left to right on the bottom of the display.
There are other reasons to admire the iPhone X than I have time to detail here, from its camera to wireless charging.
从摄像头到无线充电,iPhone X还有许多值得称颂的地方,篇幅所限,我就不一一细说了。
Overall, the iPhone X’s many refinements help to justify its luxury price tag. It takes a surprising amount of sophistication to deliver on the simple promise of more screen in less iPhone, but the X makes it look effortless.
总的来说,iPhone X的种种改进让其物有所值。在较小机身上放进更大的屏幕是一项复杂得惊人的任务,但iPhone X似乎毫不费力地做到了。