英语听力汇总   |   从大董烤鸭到怀石料理,纽约吹来亚洲美食风





Many of New York’s most intriguing new Asian restaurants in recent years have been imports — spinoffs of established places in Japan and China, often with a distinct innovation or specialty. This season’s newcomers follow suit.


At Wokuni, the first American outpost for Tokyo Ichiban Foods, which runs 50 restaurants in Japan, bluefin tuna and king yellowtail will arrive by air from the company’s own aquaculture farm in Japan. Those fish and others will be prepared in traditional fashion — sushi, sashimi, tempura or grilled — and sold at a retail counter.

Wokuni餐厅是东京一番食品株式会社(Tokyo Ichiban Foods)的首个美国前哨。东京一番在日本经营着50家餐厅,还有自己的水产养殖场,它将把那里的蓝鳍金枪鱼和黄尾鰤空运至Wokuni。这些鱼以及其他一些食材会被人以传统方式烹制——寿司、生鱼片、天妇罗或烧烤——而后在零售柜台出售。

Ramen has become commonplace in New York, but, at Tonchin New York in Midtown Manhattan, a Tokyo-based restaurant group will shine the spotlight on Tokyo-style ramen: broth seasoned with soy sauce. The curly noodles are made in-house. Tonchin will also serve teppanyaki dishes, seared on vintage-style iron griddles, and fried chicken.

拉面已经成为纽约的常见食物,但在曼哈顿中城的屯京拉面纽约店(Tonchin New York),一个总部位于东京的餐饮集团会把聚光灯打到东京拉面上:其汤汁以酱油调味。卷曲的面条是店内自制的。屯京还会供应在复古风格的铁烤盘上制做的铁板烧,以及炸鸡。

Toru Okuda, who earned many Michelin stars in Tokyo and runs a restaurant in Paris, has secured a tiny niche in New York, where he will join the recent parade of chefs serving finely wrought kaiseki dinners. His Chelsea restaurant, Okuda, will offer two seatings each night at a counter with just seven seats. A private room holds another six.

在东京获得过很多颗米其林星,并在巴黎经营着一家餐厅的奥田透(Toru Okuda),在纽约专攻一个微小的细分市场。他会加入近来的一大串厨师的行列,供应精心烹制的怀石料理。他在切尔西的餐厅奥田(Okuda),仅有七个吧台座位,而且每晚只接受两台顾客。此外,一个包厢里另有六个座位。

But there will be no shortage of tables at DaDong New York, a vast addition to Midtown by way of Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, China, with about 300 seats inside and nearly 200 on outdoor terraces on two floors. Here the pièce de résistance is Peking duck, cooked in special ovens to produce skin with a glassy crispness and sheen. The menu promises to deliver “the artistic conception of Chinese cuisine,” in beautifully rendered preparations by the chef, Dong Zhenxiang, better known as DaDong, and his executive chef, Andy Xu.

但在大董纽约店(DaDong New York),不会出现桌子不够用的情况。在中国北京、上海和成都都有生意的大董,又在曼哈顿中城开了一个巨大的分店,室内有大约300个座位,两层楼的户外露台上还有将近200个座位。这里的招牌菜是在特殊的烤炉里烹制的北京烤鸭,鸭皮酥脆,泛着光泽。店家在菜单中承诺,以人称大董的主厨董振祥及其行政主厨安迪·许(Andy Xu)精心打造的菜品,展示“中国美食的意境”。

Other distinctive imports are on the horizon. Zauo, a multistory restaurant from Tokyo where customers can reel in their own fish from pools in the dining room, is set to open early next year at 152 West 24th Street. Marugame Udon, which features noodles that are kneaded, cut and cooked to order and has nearly 1,000 locations in Japan and elsewhere, is about to open in Los Angeles and has plans to expand, with New York in its sights.

其他一些独具魅力的外国餐厅也将落户纽约。来自东京的多层餐厅钓船茶屋(Zauo)计划于明年初在西24街152号开业,食客可以亲自从餐厅内的池子里捞鱼。丸龟制面(Marugame Udo)以经过揉、切、煮等工序制成的面条为特色,在日本及世界各地有将近1000家店面,即将把分号开到洛杉矶。有意继续扩张的它,把目光瞄准了纽约。

DaDong New York 3 Bryant Park (courtyard between 41st and 42nd Streets), October.

大董纽约店 布莱恩特公园(Bryant Park)3号(41街和42街之间的庭院),10月。

Okuda 458 West 17th Street (Tenth Avenue), November. 奥田 西17街458号(第十大道),11月。

Tonchin New York 13 West 36th Street (Fifth Avenue), September. 屯京拉面纽约店 西36街13号(第五大道),9月。

Wokuni 325 Lexington Avenue (39th Street), September. Wokuni 莱辛顿大道(Lexington Avenue)325号(39街),9月。