英语听力汇总   |   “70岁”的印度仍在经历“成长的烦恼”





India is a young country. Independence came 70 years ago, making it younger than most of the major large countries: Brazil is 195 years old; the US celebrated 241 years of independence last month; and South Africa has had a 107-year independent run.


Demographically, India has one of the world’s youngest populations with a median age of 28. By contrast, China’s is 37, Russia’s 39, Canada’s 42, and Germany’s 47. India’s diplomatic disposition is, to quote the academic Kishore Mahbubani, “petulant”. Its relative immaturity in international relations is a function of its youth. Independent India is fewer than four generations old and its responses have been those of a young country still finding its place in the world.

从人口结构上说,印度拥有世界上最年轻的人口之一,年龄中位数只有28岁。相比之下,中国人的年龄中位数是37岁,俄罗斯是39岁,加拿大是42岁,德国是47岁。援引新加坡学者马凯硕(Kishore Mahbubani)的话,印度的外交气质是“任性的”。印度在国际关系中的相对不成熟,是其年轻的产物。印度独立还不到四代人的时间,其国际回应符合一个正在寻找自己在世界上位置的年轻国家的特点。

It was not inevitable that the country would get to where it is today. At birth, many reckoned that India’s size and diversity would make it ungovernable. Others feared that it would be swept by the wave of communism and authoritarian regimes then stalking Asia. Economists wondered whether India would be able to feed its large population.


Given that backdrop, India has actually ended up in a pretty good place. The “Hindu rate of growth” — of 3.5 per cent — that persisted until the liberalisations of the early 1990s has improved to an energetic 6.5 per cent. The savings rate, which was less than 10 per cent of gross domestic product at independence, now stands at about 30 per cent, as the ratio of dependants to workers in the population has decreased. Much of India’s economic dynamism is a result of savings being channelled into productive use.


While some of these changes have been significant, judged against India’s potential they are underwhelming. After a big spurt in manufacturing output in the 1980s, it has stagnated at 16.5 per cent of GDP. Much of this is due to infrastructure bottlenecks and inflexible labour policies. Yet, unemployment is stubbornly high. India needs to create a million new jobs a month; in the best of times it has managed to do half that. Paradoxically, surveys show that 60 per cent of Indian employers report difficulty in filling jobs.


On the political front, while India has what political scientists call “input democracy”, for all practical purposes, it is weak in “output democracy”. A good test of this is the outcome when a minority or a poor or a backward caste person approaches a local police station for help. That is to say, public confidence in the machinery of government is low. This is manifested in falling turnout and tax evasion. State capacity is feeble, so reconfiguring institutions is an urgent priority.


Indian governments need stronger mechanisms for dealing with so-called wicked problems — those that are hard to describe and difficult to solve because they have multiple interdependencies.


Implementing policy is often like walking on a tightrope. Consider the most significant initiative of Narendra Modi’s government, the goods and services tax designed to unify India into a single market. Its short-term impact will be inflationary, and it will shift business from the unorganised part of the economy to the organised sector, with implications for jobs. If it is not handled carefully, the risk is that it will be dismissed as a pro-rich measure.

实施政策往往像是走钢丝。例如纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)政府出台的最重大举措:商品和服务税(GST),目的是将印度整合为一个单一市场。其短期影响将是通胀性的,并将把商业活动从经济中无组织的领域转向有组织的行业,这对就业有潜在影响。如果不谨慎处理的话,这可能被批评为一项有利于富人的措施。

Art and literature are leading indicators of significant social and economic change. And India’s buzzing film industry has captured the shifts in the national narrative very well. The big hits of the 1950s and 1960s tended to be about social issues and the thirst for change. In the 1970s and 1980s, we had the angry young man let down by the “system” whose disappointment was expressed through revolution. In the 1990s, popular aspirations were reflected in films about the lives of the urban middle class and the expatriate Indian community.


Today’s mega hits tell tales of optimism amid India’s complexity. Bollywood is recording India’s metamorphosis. To quote the 2007 blockbuster Om Shanti Om: “The movie is still unfolding, my friend!”

如今的热门大片讲述的是在印度的复杂环境下保持乐观的故事。宝莱坞(Bollywood)正在记录印度的蜕变。援引2007年的大片《再生缘》(Om Shanti Om)中的台词:“电影还没有结束,我的朋友!”