2007年7月3日,iPhone在美国正式发布,并成为苹果公司最成功的产品之一。这一晃就是十年。遥看2007年的发明,既有广受好评的Kindle电子阅读器,也有史上最失败的微软操作系统Windows Vista。下面就来看看哪些产品被沿用至今,哪些产品没能经受住时间考验,被人们遗忘在角落。
The social network blogging site was started in 2007 by then 20-year-old David Karp, and is now the eighth most popular social network in the world with 550 million users.
亚马逊Kindle电子阅读器(Amazon Kindle)
The Kindle was so popular on its 2007 release that Amazon struggled to keep up with demand. The best-selling ebook on Kindle? 50 Shades of Grey.
The Swedish company was set up in 2007 to challenge MySpace in promoting independent artists. It's clear who won that battle.
苹果电视(Apple TV)
The streaming device was originally going to be called iTV, until the British TV channel got involved and warned Apple off it.
Who'd have thought a film series based on a kid's toy would go on to be so successful? With its fifth film just released, the franchise has so far made over $4bn at the box office.
苹果音乐播放器(iPod Touch)
It was released the same year as the iPhone, and was initially really successful. But as smartphones became more popular, it made less and less sense to carry round a device that was basically an iPhone but without the phone bit in it.
Windows Vista
The then head of Microsoft Steve Ballmer openly laughed at the iPhone when it came out, saying it was "not a very good email machine". Unfortunately for him in the same year, Microsoft released an operating system that was massively unloved and quickly replaced by Windows 7 two years later.
iPhone问世后,当时的微软总裁史蒂夫•鲍尔默公开嘲笑iPhone,说它“用来发邮件都不好使”。不幸的是,同年微软就发布了一个引来大规模吐槽的操作系统Windows Vista,两年后就被Windows 7取代了。
Wii塑身(Wii Fit)
Wii Fit was meant to show that people could stay healthy while playing video games. It may have worked for a while - but does anyone actually use their Wii Balance Board any more?
橙子味的可口可乐(Coca-Cola Orange)
Remember in 2007 when everyone was walking around with those orange coke bottles? No, us neither.
电影《黄金罗盘》(The Golden Compass)
The film adaptation of the book Northern Lights actually beat Transformers in the best visual effects category of the Oscars. It was meant to be the first in a big franchise - but unfortunately it wasn't very good and planned sequels were canned pretty quickly.