英语听力汇总   |   看完网友吐槽的奇葩家规,感觉妈妈对我太仁慈了







Every parent has their own ways of dealing with troublesome kids - but some are more extreme than others.



'My parents once grounded me for 2 years for getting a B on my report card,' recalled one user. 'Took everything out of my room besides the bed, and I wasn't allowed to do anything with friends.


'A year and a half into it I asked if I could be un-grounded, and at that point they had actually forgotten what they grounded me for, but refused because: "I must have done something bad if they grounded me."'


The same user claimed that his/her parents 'refused to let me stay up past 8pm. Even in high school.'


There were swathes of strange items banned from the childhood homes of the users, including Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons games for being 'satanic' and, in one bizarre case, straws.


'My dad wouldn't let me use straws because he said it could cut through my tongue or cheek like a hole punch,' said one user.


Some people revealed that they had even been punished for something one of their friends had done.


'My brother and I were grounded from watching TV for a year because a friend had "left our shed messy,"' one wrote.


One of the more abusive instances saw one child banned from using public restrooms because of 'STDs and rapists' - a rule that caused lifelong problems.


'I quite honestly had accidents when I was far too old to do so because my parents had my teachers reporting bathroom use to them too. There was no place I could safely use the restroom other than home without getting into trouble.'



As for strange specific punishments, some parents got pretty creative, such as one child whose parents decided to go one step further than just taking away the TV.


'My mom grounded me from electricity when I got suspended and bought an oil lamp for me to use when doing homework in my room,' the user explained.


But not all crazy rules quite worked out. One grandmother thought she was pulling one over on her four-year-old grandchild by saying that 'I should never call someone a name that I couldn't spell.'


Soon enough, the user 'realized that I DID know how to spell 'dumb,' so that word must be permitted. I spent the rest of the day over-using the word 'dumb' and she wasn't quite sure what to do at that point.'


In another strange family situation, the children were not allowed to speak at the dinner table unless asking someone to pass a dish.


'We could not talk about anything at all. No small/idle chat was allowed. First time you did it, you got yelled at. Second time was a whooping and then sent to your room, until the next day, without the rest of your meal,' the user wrote.
