英语听力汇总   |   百老汇剧迷希拉里





In many ways she is the typical Broadway audience member: a woman of a certain age, affluent and highly educated, living in suburban New York.


But there’s one big difference: She was almost president of the United States.


In the weeks since losing the election, Hillary Clinton has gone to four Broadway shows — often enough that industry wags joke about making her a Tony voter. And she’s even been spotted at theater district haunts — last week, just before seeing a revival of “Sunset Boulevard,” she had dinner at Orso with Kate McKinnon, the “Saturday Night Live” cast member who memorably portrayed her during the campaign.

在败选后的几周时间里,希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)已经去百老汇看了四场演出——如此频繁,以至于业界有人开玩笑说应该让她成为托尼奖的评委。她甚至还被看到经常光顾剧院区——上周,在观看重排的《日落大道》(Sunset Boulevard)之前,她在Orso餐厅与演员凯特·麦金农(Kate McKinnon)共进晚餐。麦金农是《星期六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)的演员,曾在竞选期间中扮演她,给人留下难忘印象。

At each theater appearance, Mrs. Clinton is greeted as a vanquished hero — standing ovations, selfies, shouted adulation.


The reception, of course, is in striking contrast with that received by Mike Pence, then the vice president-elect, when he attended “Hamilton” in November. He was greeted by a smattering of boos and then addressed from the stage by an actor who said cast members were “alarmed and anxious” about the incoming administration.

当然,这种待遇与去年11月时,候任的副总统迈克·彭斯( Mike Pence)观看《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton)的待遇形成了鲜明的对比。当时有人冲他发出了嘘声,后来一个演员在舞台上发言说,演员们对新政府感到“震惊和焦虑”。

Mrs. Clinton has been attending Broadway shows for years, often when she has had a personal connection to an artist, a producer, or to a show’s subject matter.


In 2003, while a New York senator, she showed up at “Avenue Q.” (The show’s director, Jason Moore, is from Arkansas.) In the years since, she has been to “Henry IV,” “South Pacific,” “The Last Ship,” “You Can’t Take It With You,” “The King and I,” “An American in Paris” and “The Audience” (the last starring Helen Mirren as another powerful woman, Queen Elizabeth).

2003年,她在纽约当参议员的时候,观看了《Q大道》(Avenue Q,该剧的导演杰森·摩尔[Jason Moore]来自阿肯色州)。从那以后,她看了《亨利四世》(Henry IV)、《南太平洋》(South Pacific)、《末世之舟》(The Last Ship)、《浮生若梦》(You Can’t Take It With You)、《国王和我》(The King and I)、《一个美国人在巴黎》(An American in Paris)和《观众》(The Audience,海伦·米伦[Helen Mirren]在其中扮演了另一个强大的女人——伊丽莎白女王)。

“She’s always been a strong supporter of the arts, so it doesn’t surprise me that she’d want to spend her time this way,” said Heather Hitchens, president of the American Theater Wing. “The theater community is grateful for her presence.”

“她一直是艺术的坚定支持者,所以她以此为消闲方式并不让我感到惊讶,”美国剧翼(American Theatre Wing)总裁希瑟·希钦斯(Heather Hitchens)说。“戏剧界感激她的捧场。”

Some visits have been especially memorable. In 2015, a few days before Mrs. Clinton declared her candidacy for president, she showed up at “Matilda the Musical” (about a fierce and smart young girl overcoming considerable obstacles) and was singled out during an audience participation segment. She raised her hand as someone who loves books, and was teased for her passion by an actor singing about the virtues of television.

其中一些尤其令人难忘。2015年,就在克林顿宣布参选总统的前几天,她观看了《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda The Musical,这出戏讲了一个勇敢、聪明的年轻女孩克服重重困难的故事),并在一个观众参与环节被选中。她举起手示意自己爱读书,然后一个演员一边歌唱着电视的好处,一边拿她对戏剧的热爱开着玩笑。

Mrs. Clinton did not respond to requests for comment, but the theater community has had plenty to say. “I hope I write a play that goes to Broadway so Hillary Clinton can see it,” one playwright, Jaclyn Backhaus (“Men on Boats”), tweeted.

克林顿没有回应置评的请求,但戏剧界有很多话要说。“我希望写一部可以在百老汇上演的戏,希拉里·克林顿就可以看到它了,”剧作家杰克林·巴克哈斯(Jaclyn Backhaus,作品有《船上的男人》[Men on Boats])在Twitter上说。