Some manage it better than others.
The English-language tourism slogans of more than 150 countries have been compiled by FamilyBreakFinder, a travel website, and the approaches can be as different as the deserts of Algeria (Tourism for Everybody) are from the snow-capped peaks of Nepal (Once Is Not Enough).
旅游网站FamilyBreakFinder将150多个国家的英语旅游口号汇编在了一起,它们的迥异程度不亚于阿尔及利亚的沙漠(“适合每一个人的旅游”[Tourism for Everybody])之于尼泊尔白雪皑皑的山峰(“一次不够”[Once Is Not Enough])。
Many countries settle for just an alliterative adjective: Brilliant Barbados, Epic Estonia, Incredible India, Remarkable Rwanda and, at the alliterative apex, Pristine Paradise Palau.
很多国家可以勉强凑出一个与自己的名字押头韵的形容词:“美妙的巴巴多斯”(Brilliant Barbados)、“史诗般的爱沙尼亚”(Epic Estonia)、“令人难以置信的印度”(Incredible India)、“非凡的卢旺达”(Remarkable Rwanda),而押韵的极致是“原生态的帕劳天堂”(Pristine Paradise Palau)。
But some strive for something a bit more majestic: Kingdom of Wonder (Cambodia), Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures (Brunei) or Kingdom in the Sky (Lesotho).
The slogans on the list can seem remarkably matter of fact, like Visit Armenia, It Is Beautiful, or cautious, like Latvia: Best Enjoyed Slowly. Others go for the exhortatory, including Paraguay: You Have to Feel It! and Albania: Go Your Own Way!
Some slogans, like Syria’s Always Beautiful, seem disturbingly disconnected from current events. Some are just plain puzzling: El Salvador used to promote itself as the 45-Minute Country. Why? According to some accounts, it was possible to drive to most destinations in the country in less than an hour. (These days, the country’s tourism site touts it as Impressive instead.)
Some nations advertise themselves as one-stop shopping: All You Need Is Ecuador; Dominican Republic Has It All; Everything Is Here (Honduras); and All of Africa in One Country (Cameroon).
For a tourist seeking a state of bliss, a journey from Bhutan (Happiness Is a Place) to Denmark (Happiest Place on Earth) to Fiji (Where Happiness Finds You) might leave you feeling like a puppy chasing its tail. But for those who just want to forget all their troubles, Cape Verde offers this pledge: No Stress.
The countries farthest from the beaten tourist track may have the toughest time sloganizing. Some rise to the challenge by trying to make a virtue of circumstance. East Timor, for example, offers “a destination (almost) untouched by human hand” in ads suggesting that “being first has its rewards.”