他的小细腿在救护车座椅边缘耷拉着,眼神呆滞地盯着前方,衣服上沾满了尘土和鲜血——5岁的奥姆兰•达克尼什(Omran Daqneesh)在2016年8月17日的一个瞬间,让整个世界意识到了它对这场令叙利亚古城阿勒颇(Aleppo)支离破碎的悲剧、以及这场撼动了整个中东并影响到世界各地的战争的麻木不仁。
With the help of Russian warplanes, Bashar al-Assad’s forces have battered a rebel-held eastern bastion in Aleppo day and night, and are now close to recapturing it. In one of those strikes, Omran was pulled out of the rubble alive. Eight others died, activists say, including his 10-year-old brother Ali.
在俄罗斯战斗机的帮助下,巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的军队不分昼夜地猛烈攻击阿勒颇东部一个由叛军控制的堡垒,如今即将夺回控制权。在一次空袭中,奥姆兰从废墟中被救出。活动人士称,其他8人死亡,其中包括他10岁的哥哥阿里。
To President Assad’s supporters, this is typical propaganda from an opposition losing the five-year war. Perhaps even staged, they say. But the human toll of Aleppo is hard to deny. Hundreds were added to a death toll now likely higher than 300,000 across Syria.
Newspapers in Europe and the US spread the image of the small boy, injured and alone, and Omran became the face of a war the world is unable, or unwilling, to stop. After tens of thousands of civilians managed to flee amid intense fighting this month, Omran’s whereabouts are currently unknown.
The writer is the FT’s Middle East correspondent