英语听力汇总   |   《巴黎最后的探戈》强奸戏再引争议





In 2007, Maria Schneider said that she “felt a little raped” during the filming of an infamous rape scene with Marlon Brando in the 1972 film “Last Tango in Paris,” and that the tears she cried on screen were real.

2007年,玛丽亚·施耐德(Maria Schneider)说,1972年她和马龙·白兰度(Marlon Brando)在拍摄《巴黎最后的探戈》(Last Tango in Paris)中的一场臭名昭著的强奸戏时,“感觉自己有点被强奸了”,还说她在银幕上流下的泪水是真实的。

In 2013, Bernardo Bertolucci, the director of the film, confirmed that Ms. Schneider wasn’t told ahead of time that Mr. Brando would use butter as a lubricant for the simulated sex because he “wanted Maria to feel, not to act, the rage and the humiliation.”

2013年,该片导演贝纳多·贝托鲁奇(Bernardo Bertolucci)承认,施耐德没有被提前告知,白兰度会在一场性交戏中使用黄油作润滑剂,因为他“想让玛丽亚去感受,而不是去表演,那种愤怒和羞辱”。

Mr. Bertolucci’s comments did not receive widespread attention at the time, but rocketed into prominence over the weekend after they resurfaced in media reports about a Spanish nonprofit’s publicity campaign about violence against women. Several prominent figures in Hollywood responded on social media with anger toward Mr. Bertolucci and Mr. Brando, while wondering why Ms. Schneider’s story was not better known.


“Inexcusable,’’ Ava DuVernay, a filmmaker, said on Twitter. “As a director, I can barely fathom this. As a woman, I am horrified, disgusted and enraged by it.”

“不可宽恕,”电影导演艾娃·德约列(Ava DuVernay)在Twitter上说。“作为一名导演,我很难理解这件事。作为一名女性,我感到恐惧、厌恶和愤怒。”

Chris Evans, an actor, said on Twitter: “I will never look at this film, Bertolucci or Brando the same way again. This is beyond disgusting. I feel rage.”

演员克里斯·伊文斯(Chris Evans)在Twitter说:“我再也不会像从前那样看待这部电影、贝托鲁奇和白兰度。这已经不只是恶心了。我感到愤怒。”

Ms. Schneider was an unknown 19-year-old French actress paid $4,000 for her part in “Last Tango,” in which her torrid affair with an American businessman, played by a 48-year-old Mr. Brando, included explicit sex scenes that shocked audiences. The scene in which Mr. Brando pins her to the floor and appears to force anal intercourse remains one of the enduring images from the film, and was part of the reason The Motion Picture Association of America gave the film an X rating.

出演《巴黎最后的探戈》时施奈德只有19岁,是个籍籍无名的法国女演员,得到了4000美元的片酬。片中,她跟时年48岁的白兰度扮演的美国商人有一段炽热的暧昧关系,其中涉及某些让观众感到震惊的露骨性爱场景。令人印象深刻的一个画面是,白兰度把她压在地板上,似乎在强迫其进行肛交,美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of America)将该片定为X级,一定程度上是因为这一场景。

It was critically acclaimed; Mr. Brando, who died at 80 in 2004, received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, while Mr. Bertolucci, 76, was nominated for Best Director. Ms. Schneider was not nominated but emerged as a sex symbol; she had several leading roles in the 1970s, but her acting career declined later in the decade, while her personal life was marred by drug abuse and at least one suicide attempt. In 2011, she died of cancer at age 58.


In an interview with The Daily Mail in 2007, she said the rape scene, which was shot in one take, left her feeling humiliated and attacked by both Mr. Brando and Mr. Bertolucci.

她在2007年接受《每日邮报》(The Daily Mail)采访时表示,那个一镜到底的强奸场景一直让她觉得,自己同时受到了白兰度和贝托鲁奇的羞辱和袭击。

“That scene wasn’t in the original script. The truth is, it was Marlon who came up with the idea,” Ms. Schneider said. “I should have called my agent or had my lawyer come to the set because you can’t force someone to do something that isn’t in the script, but at the time, I didn’t know that.”


Mr. Bertolucci said in 2013 that he and Mr. Brando thought of including butter in the scene on the morning it was filmed and purposely kept Ms. Schneider in the dark.


“I didn’t tell her what was going on because I wanted her reaction as a girl, not as an actress,” he said.


He said that Ms. Schneider hated him until her death, but the tactic was necessary to obtain the effect.


“I feel guilty,’’ he said, “but I do not regret.”


While Ms. Schneider’s statements in her 2007 interview did not go unnoticed — they figured prominently in her obituary in The New York Times — neither it nor Mr. Bertolucci’s 2013 interview instantly received the kind of widespread attention that both gained this weekend.


El Mundo de Alycia, a Spanish nonprofit, posted the video of Mr. Bertolucci’s interview to YouTube as part of a protest against violence against women in November. It began appearing in English-language outlets, including Elle, on Friday, and celebrities soon responded in force.

今年11月,在一场旨在抗议针对女性的暴力的活动中,西班牙非营利组织“爱丽丝的世界”(El Mundo de Alycia)把贝托鲁奇接受采访的视频发到了YouTube上。上周五,它开始出现在包括《Elle》杂志在内的英文媒体上,名人们很快就纷纷做出了回应。

In a statement on Monday, Mr. Bertolucci called the flap “a ridiculous misunderstanding.”


“Somebody thought, and thinks, that Maria had not been informed about the violence on her. That is false!” he said in the statement, according to Variety.


“Maria knew everything because she had read the script, where it was all described,” he continued. “The only novelty was the idea of the butter. And that, as I learned many years later, offended Maria. Not the violence that she is subjected to in the scene, which was written in the screenplay.”


Those responding on Twitter included several well-known actors in Hollywood.


Others on Twitter wondered why it took so long for the outrage to form.
