英语听力汇总   |   北极异常升温让科学家不解





Scientists are struggling to understand why a burst of “scary” warming at the North Pole has
pushed Arctic temperatures nearly 20C higher than normal for this time of year.


Experts in the US and Europe say they have been shocked by the soaring temperatures recorded in November, when much of the region is plunged into freezing winter darkness.


Temperatures this month have been as high as almost minus 5C when they are normally closer to minus 25C.


“We’ve been processing this data since 1958 and we haven’t really seen anything like this at this time of year,” said Rasmus Tonboe, a sea ice expert at the Danish Meteorological Institute. “We are watching the situation and trying to analyse what is going on but it’s very surprising.”

“我们从1958年开始处理这些数据,我们确实没有在一年中的这个时候看到过这么高的气温,”丹麦气象研究所(Danish Meteorological Institute)的海冰专家拉斯穆斯•汤波(Rasmus Tonboe)表示,“我们正在关注这一情况,试图分析其中的原因,但这非常奇怪。”

The unusual warmth has come as officials at the UN’s World Meteorological Organization said they were 95 per cent sure that 2016 would be the hottest year since records began in the 19th century. It would mean that 16 of the 17 warmest years on record have been this century.

在北极出现不同寻常的变暖之际,联合国世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organisation)的官员称,他们有95%的把握相信,2016年将是自19世纪有记录以来最热的一年。这将意味着,在有记录以来的17个最热年份中,有16个出现在本世纪。