1. Jaws 大白鲨 (1975)
Big shark. Biggest shark you ever saw. I saw it, folks. Huge. Police chief. Great guy, friend of mine. He KILLED it #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— Scott Dooley (@scottdools)
2. Edward Scissorhands 剪刀手爱德华 (1990)
This guy, this creepy guy, he's got scissors for hands. Many people are saying this. My hands, they're great. #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— Aaron Wiener (@Wieneraaron)
3. Fight Club 搏击俱乐部(1999)
I really shouldn't talk about. I shouldn't. I CAN'T. But really folks, I can't. Ok? Ok. It's a fight club. #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— Mike Matola (@MikeMatola)
4. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 牛仔裤的夏天(2005)
These women travel with these pants. A sisterhood, whatever that is. I have many pants! Just get more pants ladies! #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— (((Michael))) (@Home_Halfway)
5. The Lion King 狮子王(1994)
Scar – strong leader, respected. Jungle going great. Now? A mess! #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— B.J. Novak (@bjnovak)
6. Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩(1998)
So they storm the beach, trying to recover this captured private. Bad film. I like people who weren't captured ok? #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— Travon Free (@Travon)
7. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 十日拍拖手册 (2003)
She's a loser, ok. She's losing. I could lose a guy in 4 days. Probably 2 days. I lose guys so good you don't know. #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
她是个失败者,好吧,她快要失去他了。我可以在4天或者2天内失去一个人。我失去过很好的人,你可不知道。 #川普说电影
— Ben Mankiewicz (@BenMank77)
8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 哈利波特与死亡圣器(2010)
Voldemort, great guy. Ridding the magic world of immigrants. Crooked Harry can't be trusted #MakeHogwartsGreatAgain #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— Meg V. Jones (@ItsMegNotMegan)
9. Ex Machina 机械姬(2015)
Beautiful robot. A 10, guys, a 10. Our bearded friend is probably—can't say for sure, but probably—a Muslim. SAD. #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— A24 (@A24)
10. Back to the Future 回到未来(1985)
Biff—great guy, good friend of mine—they ruin his life! Doc and Marty—total losers. Can't win without time machine. #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— Alex Gookin (@_AlexGookin)
11. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 魔戒:王者归来(2003)
Little Frodo, very small guy, tries to destroy a ring, it takes forever, total loser. I'd do it quicker, believe me #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
小佛罗多, 特别小的家伙,想毁掉一个戒指,永远也毁不掉,彻底的失败者。要是我,能完成得更快,相信我。#川普说电影
— Trevor Donovan (@TrevDon)
12. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 威利旺卡和巧克力工厂(1971)
Absolutely terrible. Oompa Loompas are taking jobs away from hard working AMERICANS. Shame on Crooked Mr Wonka! #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— Pat Sullivan (@pattysull)
13. Aladdin 阿拉丁(1992)
This guy, Aladdin- hes making terrible, the worst deals. Believe me folks, I would've got 4, 5, even 12 wishes #TrumpExplainsMoviePlots
— Josh Mahan (@squashmahan)