1. Twit Less, Sleep More!
1. 少刷手机多睡觉!
If you're reading this and scratching your head thinking, "Howthe heck does my phone relate to weight loss?", you"re notalone. You're wasting minutes (or hours) trolling the Internetinstead of sleeping. A study from the Endocrine Society found aloss of 30 minutes of sleep per day can promote weight gain, insulin resistance, and negativelyaffect your metabolism in the long run.
2. Eating Less Doesn't Mean Weighing Less
2. 吃得少并不一定减得多
Weight loss isn't a simple cause-and-effect scenario where eating less equates to weighing less.When you limit your caloric intake too much, you throw off ghrelin and leptin levels. These twokey metabolic hormones raise and suppress your appetite. Stop counting calories and put yourattention on the quality of food you're eating.
3. Put Vegetables in Breakfst
3. 早餐吃点蔬菜
Vegetables for breakfast probably aren't your top choice, but they should be. Green foods areessential for providing fiber to feel full and B vitamins to energize every cell in your body and keepyour metabolism on full-speed.
4. Put Less Sugar in Your Coffee
4. 咖啡里少放糖
Think about how many add-ins you pour into your coffee. How many spoonfuls of sugar? Mostpeople don't realize it, but according to the American Heart Association, the generalrecommendation of daily sugar intake for men is no more than 37g or 9 tea-spoons (about 150calories). Try cinnamon and unsweetened coconut milk instead.
5. 早餐要吃蛋白质
According to a study done at the University of Missouri, a breakfast containing 35g of proteinhelps prevent weight gain, reduces your daily intake of food, staves off hunger and stabilizes yourglucose levels. More specifically, a high-protein morning meal can help you consume 400 fewercalories in a day and burn more fat over time. Reap the day-long benefits of the perfect breakfastby chowing down on eggs, dairy, and even lean pork.