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快要到七夕了(Chinese Valentine's Day)。来看看美国网友票选的情人节创意吧!这些创意不需要花多少钱,而都是真诚、温暖的爱情记忆。希望大家喜欢!

Creative Valentine's Day ideas to romance your better half:


"Romance" can be both a noun and a verb: romance既是名词也是动词

Woo your lover: 追你喜欢的人

Better half: 另一半

A handwritten love letter: 手写情书

Send them some special love letters: 写情书


A handwritten love letter: 手写的情书

Isn't it common sense? 这不是常识吗?

But many people don't do it now: 但是现在很多人都不会这么做了

I wrote a love letter 2 weeks ago: 我两周前还写了一封情书呢

I'm old-school: 我是比较传统的

puppy love, first love: 初恋

Do you write "xoxo" when you sign-off? 落款要写xoxo吗?

Girls can do it. It feels a bit corny if a guy does it: 女生可以写,男生写就太肉麻了

"Xoxo" represents love, hugs and kisses, not cognac: "xoxo" 代表爱,不是人头马

A love letter is heartfelt: 情书是充满心意的

sincere love: 真诚的爱

A shower of teddy bears: 很多很多泰迪熊


A shower of teddy bears: 一大堆泰迪熊


• A shower of gifts: 很多很多礼物

• To shower someone with gifts: 送ta一大堆礼物

• In America, expecting mothers usually throw a baby shower, where her friends will give gifts to the baby: 在美国,准妈妈会开一个派对,叫"baby shower"。派对上,朋友会送一大堆礼物给即将出生的宝宝

A cactus: 一盆仙人掌


Why a cactus? Because a cactus lasts longer than flowers: 啊?仙人掌?因为仙人掌比鲜花更持久

Thorny: 带刺的

It represents my long lasting love for you: 代表我对你的爱会永久

Some cacti sprout flowers on them: 有些仙人掌也开花



Succulents (noun): 多肉植物

Succulent (adjective): 多汁的、饱满的,跑题了……

An at-home spa treatment: 在家给Ta做spa


Pampering: 宠爱的

at-home: 在家里

treatment: 护理

It's exhausting to give someone a spa: 给人做spa还满累的

I know, but it's the thought that counts: 但是这个心意很重要啊

A big fat piece of steak: 一大块牛排


Steak: 牛排

Ribeye: 肉眼牛排

A big fat ribeye: 一大块肉眼

To grill/to barbecue steak for your loved one: 给你的爱人烤块牛排

All that matters is that it makes them happy: 最重要的是,合对方的心意

A night of vegging out: 宅在家,吃零食、看电视


A night of vegging out: 一晚宅在家

To veg out means to be like a vegetable, not eat vegetables: veg out的意思是像个植物一样懒着什么也不做,不是吃素

Like a couch potato: 像个沙发土豆

A night of vegging out, gorging on our favorite junk food and snacks and watching our favourite documentary: 一晚宅在家,狂吃我俩最爱的垃圾食品、零食、看我们最喜欢的纪录片

a low maintenance girlfriend: 不需要很多照顾的女朋友

high maintenance: 很需要照顾的、很作的

It means you're comfortable with each other: 这代表了你们两个在一起很舒服

You can be yourself: 可以做自己

The simple pleasures of life are the most precious: 人生中最简单的享受是最珍贵的

A dorm room surprise from your BFF: 闺蜜最甜蜜


Dorm room: 宿舍

college roommate: 大学室友

My dorm room BFF surprised me with cute little presents and candy on Valentine's Day:我大学宿舍闺蜜情人节给了我一个惊喜,送了我很多小礼物和糖果

BFF (best friend forever): 闺蜜

You can celebrate friendship on Valentine's Day too: 情人节也能庆祝友谊

A lot of single girls will have a girl's night out on Valentine's Day: 很多单身女孩儿会结伴一起庆祝情人节

A marriage proposal: 求婚


ultimate romantic gesture:

It doesn't get more romantic than this:

propose to someone:

pop the question: 求婚

get down on one knee: 单膝下跪

engagement ring: 订婚钻戒

spouse: 老伴儿

other half, better half, partner: 伴侣

soulmate: 灵魂伴侣