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奥朗德深陷“理发门” 御用理发师月薪上万欧元

Hollande's hairdresser 'paid 10,000 euros a month'

奥朗德深陷“理发门” 御用理发师月薪上万欧元

Short on the sides and thinning on top, French President Francois Hollande's hair is kept perfectly groomed at a cost of almost 10,000 euros a month, the Canard Enchaine weekly reported Wednesday.


The leader's hair has never been the topic of scrutiny, unlike other high-profile male politicians such as US presidential candidate Donald Trump or former London mayor Boris Johnson.


However the publication of the contract of his hairdresser, identified only as Olivier B., by the investigative newspaper had the French public bristling over such extravagant spending by a Socialist president.


"I can understand the questions, I can understand that there are judgements," said government spokesman Stephane Le Foll, who confirmed the hairdresser's steep salary of 9,895 euros ($10,900) a month.

政府发言人Stephane Le Foll说:“我能理解这些质疑,我知道人们会有评判。”他证实了理发师每月9895欧元(10900美元)的高薪。

"Everyone has their hair done, don't they?" added Le Foll, his trademark thick grey mane flopping over his forehead.

Le Foll标志性的浓密、灰白的头发扑在额头上,他补充道:“每个人都要理发不是吗?”


奥朗德深陷“理发门” 御用理发师月薪上万欧元

- 'Coiffeurgate' -


A lawmaker with the far-right National Front (FN) referred to Hollande as "his majesty" on Twitter, while other users superimposed afros, mullets and other hairstyles on pictures of the president, to "help his hairdresser earn his salary".


The hashtag #Coiffeurgate was trending on Twitter in France.



奥朗德深陷“理发门” 御用理发师月薪上万欧元

Some Twitter users also suggested other balding candidates for the presidency in 2017, such as Alain Juppe of the opposition Republicans, could save taxpayers money.


An image of Hollande with a beanie photoshopped onto his head was captioned "budget cuts".


Hollande himself earns an annual wage of 179,000 euros a year or 14,900 euros a month.


The Canard Enchaine reported that in addition to his salary, the hairdresser was entitled to a "housing allowance" and other "family benefits".


He has been employed since 2012 and travels with the president on most of his foreign trips.


The hairdresser's contract states that he must "maintain absolute secrecy about his work and any information he may have gathered both during and after his contract".


Hollande's former partner Valerie Trierweiler denied that the hairdresser had been brought in at her request, as two journalists claimed in a book published in April.


"Let's be fair: F. Hollande was not aware of the hairdresser's salary," she said.


"I can attest to his anger when he learned it later," she added.


Trierweiler, a journalist, published a bestselling tell-all memoir of her relationship and break-up with Hollande.


Hollande, who was elected in 2012, has always portrayed himself as "Mr Normal", in stark contrast to his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy whose flashy lifestyle saw him dubbed "President Bling Bling".


Hollande has said he will decide by the end of the year whether to stand for re-election next year. He has said his decision will depend on his success in cutting unemployment.
