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Why Hangovers Seem to Get Worse as You Get Older


Things get harder as you get older, and that includes recovering from a night of drinking. If it feels like you don’t handle hangovers as well as you used to, here’s why.


At one point in your life you could probably go crazy on Friday night and get by with nothing but a cup of coffee on Saturday morning. But when you get older, your recovery period could be anywhere from several hours to several days. Cari Romm at Science of Us suggests it comes down to a few key reasons. For starters, you have lower levels of the liver enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase that you need to break down the alcohol and it’s leftovers. That means acetaldehyde, one of the nasty leftovers that makes you feel awful, stays in your system longer than it used to.

生活中,你曾一度于周五晚疯狂一把,然后周六早上来一杯咖啡就没事似的过去了。但是当你年龄越来越大,你的恢复期则可能会是几个小时到几天。Cari Romm在《科学美国人》上表明这可以归结为几个关键原因。首先,肝酶乙醇脱氢酶以及用来分解酒精和剩饭剩菜的乙醛脱氢酶开始降低,这意味着那些让人难受的剩饭菜中含有的乙醛将比以前在你的身体里待的时间更长。

On top of that, you get worse at recovering from anything as you get older thanks to immunosenescence, or the gradual weakening of your immune system. Your body still knows how to protect and heal itself, just not as quickly. And last but not least, your lifestyle plays a big part in how you feel. Now that you’re older, you have more responsibilities and commitments you have to attend to, so you can’t just spend all day in bed recovering. This makes the hangover feel worse than it used to because you’re fighting headache pain and nausea while you work and take care of kids.
