Smudge the cat is a big fan of his teddy bear, perhaps too much so.
A strange video shows the young feline essentially French kissing his cuddly toy.
In the footage, uploaded on Facebook by East Surrey Cats Protection, Smudge grabs the bear and moves in for a lot more than a quick peck on the cheek.
The poor teddy has to withstand the cat's sharp claws when Smudge presses them into its face.
In the corner of the shot another cat peers onto the sofa to check what is going on, perhaps rather jealous of Smudge's adoration for the soft toy.
Underneath the video Lilia Palma was unconvinced the cat's affection was completely genuine, writing: 'Looks like someone had put something on teddy bears mouth that attracted the cat to lick.'
But Cats Protection disagreed, writing: 'This was my foster cat last summer and honestly, nothing was put on the teddy bear's nose!'
Another commenter, Jackie Ingram, posted: 'lol! my ginger cat humps furry toys and blankets! now that is weird, vet had never heard of a neutered cat doing that.'
另外一个评论者,杰姬 英格拉姆发贴说:“哈哈哈!我的小黄猫爱上了毛绒玩具和毯子!那这就奇怪了,兽医可从没听说过绝育的猫会做那样的事。”
Cats Protection assured her: 'I know of several that do it. All neutered!'
All perfectly natural then it seems.
Smudge was given to the centre, which covers Caterham, Redhill and East Surrey, when he was just four months old.
Cats Protection has been in operation since 2008 and is run entirely by volunteers.