英语听力汇总   |   女性有没有解放上半身的权利?





The weather is starting to heat up again, and it’s becoming ever more tempting to peel off a few layers of clothing to cool down. But where you are, and what gender you belong to, may determine just how much you can strip down.


In the United States, some cities and states allow both men and women to go bare-chested–no shirts, tank tops or bras required. But the laws vary wildly. New York State may allow women to walk around topless, but cross into neighboring Massachusetts, and the same action becomes an obscenity.


A movement has been launched in response to these laws, calling itself the “Free the Nipple” campaign. Its latest battleground is New Hampshire, where state legislators have been debating whether to change the state’s laws toward bare-chested women.


It all started in September 2015, when members of a local “Free the Nipple” group decided to forgo their tops on a public beach in Gilford, New Hampshire. They were arrested, and the incident inspired state Republicans to introduce a series of bills, aimed at making exposed female breasts illegal.


The controversy received national attention when one of the lawmakers commented on Facebook that a man should have the right to “stare and grab” at a woman’s nipples, if she is allowed to leave them exposed. “After all... It’s ALL relative and natural, right?” he wrote.


Just last week, on May 11, New Hampshire debated the latest attempt to rein in exposed boobs, by having each city decide what people could wear on its public property. The bill is unlikely to pass, but the drama in New Hampshire has reignited the nationwide debate over upper-body nudity.


Ironically, both sides claim they’re protecting women from being sexualized. For proponents of keeping women covered up, the breast is first and foremost a sexual organ. Showing it off is simply too provocative, they argue, and young children should not be exposed to such naked sexuality.


The counterarguments, naturally, say the exact opposite. Breasts are no more sexual than earlobes or lips: Just because they can be used during sex doesn’t mean they are sexual organs, per se. Free the Nipple advocates also argue that women can be as attracted to shirtless men as men can be to shirtless women. The only difference is, the law reflects a male perspective, not a female’s.


Free the Nipple is a cause championed by celebrities like singer Miley Cyrus, model Chrissy Teigan and pop star Rihanna. But how to protest this issue has become a problem all on its own. Some advocates believe the best route is to “normalize” female breasts, by wearing them uncovered as much as possible, as casually as possible.


But activist groups like Femen have made exposed boobs a gimmick to gain press attention. Topless protesters have demonstrated against rape, homophobia and even Republican presidential contender Donald Trump.
