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Drinking Wine Before Bed Could Help You LoseWeight


Looking to shed a few pounds? According to science,some nighttime wine might just be the solution.


A study out of Washington State University from July2015 showed that wine and weight loss go hand-in-hand, thanks to a substance called resveratrol. Thecompound, which is found in red wine, was shown to help convert "white fat" into "beige fat." (The latter is easier to burn off.)


As far as when it's best to sip on that vino, a separate 2012 study concluded that a late-nightglass of wine curbed snacking, which, in turn, aided in weight loss (but, it should be noted thatthe study involved bees, not humans).


So while this news may tempt you to keep a bottle of red on your nightstand, not so fast-doctors are typically wary of recommending that people start drinking wine, since too muchalcohol can obviously have harmful effects on the body. It's also worth noting that there aremuch more efficient (and potentially healthier) ways of reaping the benefits of resveratrol.


"Many of the beneficial polyphenols are insoluble and get filtered out during the wineproduction process," said Professor Min Du of Washington State. Instead, he suggests snackingon blueberries, grapes and strawberries, all of which are natural sources of resveratrol.

“很多有益的多酚都是不溶的,因此在葡萄酒酿造过程中被过滤了,”华盛顿州立大学的教授Min Du说。取而代之,他建议吃一些蓝莓,葡萄和草莓,这些都是白藜芦醇的天然来源。
