英语听力汇总   |   呀!远离潮人





The Modern Man has an iPhone 6 Plus and goes to Coachella every year. He’s thinking about starting a blog and has been “like really into standup lately.” He has a favorite microbrewery because he likes his beer really hoppy, whatever that means. He has a fun Twitter feed and interesting theories about what could happen on “House of Cards.”

潮人手握IPHONE 6,年年去科切拉。如今,他打算建一个博客,最近迷上了竖着衣领装酷。他有自己喜爱的啤酒厂家,因为他对啤酒的喜爱简直成瘾了,管他什么意思呢~ 他还有一个有趣的推特账户,对纸牌屋的剧情有一套自己的有趣理论。

Peter had all the makings of a Modern Man. His Twitter feed was super-witty. He drank only local beer. He owned one of those weed vapor pen things. He wore cardigans and insisted on managing the music at every party, saying, “Trust me, you’ll see this artist on the Coachella lineup in two years.”


Peter was funny, cultured, well dressed and well read, and I took pride in dating a guy who was so keenly cool. But like most modern men, when confronted after weeks of sleeping together with mild inquiries regarding commitment, he crumbled. The Modern Man is “just not into labels” and is “only trying to have some fun.”


When I asked Peter what that was supposed to mean, he said, “Chill.”


Yet “chill” I did not.
