First you should put forward the argument, qaddafi not dead, osama bin laden is dead, I'm disappointed, but I don't despair. We can die while alive, so everyone is. I hope the world peaceful, not fought for a long time, most of the living was not dead. Source does not stop, stop running water on corruption. The night decisive and hesitate to come, I awake confused. I have a quiet cat jump off the cliff and cat and I are all dead. Now i'm very empty, don't play also don't know what to solve the problem, many ridiculous incident, the deserted. My theme, I can't find the way.
司马迁,屈原,陶渊明,李清照,辛弃疾,林则徐,詹天佑...... 对不起了,这次作文没你们。此处能略去多少字,一字不漏又能如何。看了马云的演讲,只记住了一句话“无知者无畏”,我知道我为啥怕高考了。没想到许多事要在之后马上面对,想起后桌的话“人应该尽可能多的占有和繁衍后代”,世界上有许多歪理,看你信哪一个了。一个人一种信仰,一朵花一种颜色。这次的心情不很明朗,主要是能听的歌不多了。睡意重重,只好写这麽一些,以示失意。上了大学的和没上上大学的,心情都有坑。洼洼的坑路,通向下一个让自己选择的路口。同学说“在大学感到前途一片迷茫”,在我看小学毕业后后边的路已不再敞亮。没舍得把自己的不快告诉谁谁,人人都深谙一种悲伤,它不用和人说。越是成长越是喜欢撕扯过去的小事,安慰坏掉的鞋子。原来一直是以不可名状的夸张心态来重申自己有与众不同的肚脐,其实都一样,风光已在漏雨的小学教室燃尽。可惜了,易碎的记忆,每每被捡拾,重新粘和。
Sima qian, qu yuan, tao yuanming, li qingzhao, xin qiji, Lin zexu, zhan tianyou... I'm sorry, didn't refer you in this composition. it can omit many words here, how can a word. To see Mr. Ma's speech, just remember the word "ignorance", I know why I'm afraid the university entrance exam. Didn't think a lot of work to in the face, immediately after the table after thinking of "should be as much as possible of possession and reproduction", there are many wit in the world, to see which one you believe in. A person a kind of faith, a flower, a kind of color. The mood is not very clear, mainly to listen to the song is running out. Sleep, had to write so few, to show his disappointment. In the university and the university of not up, the mood has a pit. The pit of hollow hollow road, leading to the next to choose their own road. Classmate say "the future a confused in the university," the road behind me after graduating from primary school is no longer clear. Not willing to give up their own unhappiness tell so-and-so, everyone knows a kind of sadness, it need not and the man said. The more growth the more like ripping the past things, comfort broken shoes. Originally is unexplainable exaggerated mentality to reassert their distinctive navel, just the same really, scenery has leak in the primary school classroom burnt out. Unfortunately, fragile memory, often by collecting, sticky and again.
Never get involved, no problem. "Choice of road kneeling also to go out," I don't know the words to say is how to torture yourself, some things go wrong, fierce back has gone far away, and its turn-back as well in a point, after how many branch office to meaningless.
The university entrance exam is coming after the children's day, to perish together.