But with them, come...those other characters. The characters that you loathe. The charactersthat you know you could like, if they just changed that one thing about themselves. They're thecharacters you just want to smack。
These characters aren't necessarily bad; in fact, many of them are the protagonists of theirstories. But good guy or evil witch, these characters are all in severe need of a wake up call,with a healthy side dose of reality。
Check out our list of 13 famous literary characters we'd like to slap. Who would you add to thelist?
1.Jay Gatsby, The Great Gatsby
The pitiful, self-centered Daisy Buchanan has been classified for decades as one of the worstcharacters of all time. But perhaps the real problem with the novel was Jay Gatsby himself. Theconstant pining over someone as terrible as Daisy is exhausting and makes him every bit as (ifnot more) horrible than Daisy。
2.Amy March, Little Women
艾美·马区—— 《小妇人》
Amy March is the reason youngest children have a terrible reputation. As a little girl, she's acollicky, spoiled brat, constantly ruining her older sisters' outings. As a young adult, she'ssnobby, uppity and way too obsessed with her nose。
3.Miss Havisham, Great Expectations
Miss Havisham adopts a daughter for the sole purpose of using her as a pawn to torment themale species. HOW AWFUL IS THAT?! Plus, that rotting wedding cake must have made herhouse smell disgusting。
4.Romeo Montague, Romeo & Juliet
Oh, Romeo. You only knew her for four days. Did you really have to kill yourself over a girl thatyou knew for less than a week? Not to mention, she was only 13, and your romance would beillegal in most countries。
5.Joffrey Baratheon, A Song of Ice and Fire series
Simply put, this kid needs a good spanking。
6.The Cat in the Hat, The Cat in the Hat
Sure, the Cat seems like a fun guy, until you realize he broke into a home, invited his friendsover, trashed the place, and then disappeared without a trace. Also, he speaks in obnoxiousrhymes。
7.Edmund Pevensie, The Chronicles of Narnia
Did Edmund actually know what Turkish Delights tasted like when he sold out his entire familyto the White Witch for a box? For those of you unfamiliar, here's a great description of thetreat: "It tasted like soap rolled in plaster dust, or like a lump of Renuzit air freshener: Thetexture was both waxy and filling-looseningly chewy."
8.Harry Potter, Harry Potter series
Harry Potter is one of the greatest literary characters of our time, but he's also one of themost eminently slappable. He's constantly not listening to people and breaking rules, thengetting into danger for breaking said rules. Two hundred points to Gryffindor!
9.Willy Wonka, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Willy Wonka was a confectionary genius (Everlasting Gobstoppers, anyone?). But the factoryhe manned was an extremely unsafe workplace environment. Children who entered hisworkplace often went missing for unexplainable reasons -- how did no one investigate Mr.Wonka for that?!
10.Effie Trinket, The Hunger Games series
You can't help but want to shake some sense into Effie Trinket. Her perma-positive attitudewhen sending children to meet their death is nauseating enough to make you want to send herinto the arena。
11.Waldo, Where's Waldo?
Why can't you just be where you're supposed to be, Waldo?
12.Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer is a fence painter, death-faker, genuine American psychopath. We don't knowwhy Huckleberry Finn was friends with him。
13.Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit's mother told him not to go into Mr. McGregor's garden. That was THE ONLYRULE. Come to think of it, Peter Rabbit and Harry Potter would get along great。