Long distance relationship, you dare?
We have slowly grown up after 90. All know how many couples lost to the distance.
Common language
If two people together, the association will be in harmony of two common circle, topic always in the update.
Not together of two people, the environment around for each other will gradually lose interest by strange, slowly, only empty 'I miss you.
I am trying to find a topic, don't reply to say, 'oh, well, okay'?
看了10次手机了,你还是没有回信。你在哪、和谁、在干什么? 刚刚拒绝了别人的好意,却禁不住想,你身边的莺莺燕燕,一如我身边的花花草草吗?
Look at the phone for ten times, you didn't reply. Where are you, and who,in doing? Has just refused a kindness of others, but could not help but think, you miss yan yan, as the flowers beside me?
Far water does not save near fire
I'm here to rain, to send an umbrella is classmate's brother; I eat dinner,but I forgot to take my money and come to the rescue is a friend of a friend.
So you don't reply because you are sick, but I worry again, also i can not end a glass of water by your side ...
Distance hallucinating
Actually I have some small vanity, trim off a bag to show you photos sometimes; In fact you a little conceited, identified it thought he must be right.
Even in order to love you, I refuse to accept all you all the bad comments, what think are moving in the right direction. So are you?
In fact we are not each other think it is good...
Distance produce misunderstanding
I rushed to send text messages to tell you just fun, after half a day you say 'oh, I don't know what you are busy, so I'm sulking.
Eight short messages you sent me two phone I didn't also return, anger out call, have something, the phone on vibration. Actually we know each other is not intentionally, but emotions come, always need to vent.
A white lie
I happen to be acquainted with the boy went to the cinema, wanted to think, to you and the girl.
You alone went to the place where we want to go to appointment, hesitant, told me that you didn't go anywhere.
Don't want to let a person want to, but because of the occasional negligence, let the other side want to get more.
"Distance is a test paper, measuring love each other oath, finally will realize.
For love is learning to the language of communication, we learn the understanding, no tears, I try to wait until we learn to fly, fly over night and test, day is about to graduate from the lonely, we use a little more hard work, in exchange for a little bit more happiness.
Although the distance is very far away, you should always believe in you.