英语听力汇总   |   宠物有爱:流浪小猫帮自闭症男孩走出孤独(双语)





Even simple tasks used to be fraught with difficulty for Fraser Booth. The four-year-old, who is autistic, easily became overwhelmed by everyday events, resulting in tears and temper tantrums.


Then Billy the stray cat came along. Abandoned by his previous owner and rescued from a boarded-up council house by a charity, he had not had the easiest start to life. But since their first meeting, Fraser and Billy have been inseparable – and the moggy has helped bring the little boy out of his shell.


Now, whether it’s playtime, storytime or bedtime, Billy is there to offer a reassuring paw. And he is the first to sense when Fraser is getting frustrated, calming him down with a cuddle or comforting purr.


Fraser’s mother Louise said: ‘If Fraser is around or playing in the garden, Billy is never far away. It is like he is watching Fraser and calming his behaviour. He always appears when Fraser is getting upset and offers his head close to Fraser’s to reassure him and recently, when Fraser was poorly, Billy sat on his lap all day.

弗雷哲的母亲露易丝说:“ 弗雷哲在花园里玩或是边上的时候,比利总是在一旁守着,好像在看着安抚他的样子。弗雷哲闹腾的时候,他都会在,用头去靠近他安抚她。最近弗雷哲的病情比较严重,他就每天坐在他的大腿上。”

‘They say animals can sense things, but Billy seems to know before anybody else if Fraser is going to get upset.’


Mrs Booth, who is a full-time mother to Fraser and his 15-month-old sister Pippa, added: ‘It sounds crackers, but it is like Billy is Fraser’s guardian. Their relationship is something really special.’


Fraser was diagnosed with autism when he was 18 months old after Mrs Booth, 38, and her electrician husband, Chris, 43, noticed he was not developing as quickly as other children his age.


‘It was glaringly obvious to me early on that something was wrong,’ Mrs Booth said. ‘Fraser would cry all the time and wouldn’t respond to me or any toys we put in front of him.’


Since his diagnosis, Fraser has been undergoing therapy. While he is able to talk to his parents and run around like other children of his age, he still struggles to cope with routine tasks, resulting in temper tantrums and tears.


‘Every day life can be a challenge for Fraser because ordinary tasks can be extremely difficult for him,’ added Mrs Booth, who lives on the Balmoral estate in Aberdeenshire. ‘He is not trapped in his own little world – as most people assume with people with autism – he is a happy little boy, but he can become frustrated or upset easily at the drop of a switch.

“对于弗雷哲来说,每一天都是挑战,因为普通的事情对他来说都极其的艰难,” 布施女士补充道。他们现在居住在阿伯丁的拜尔马洛庄园。“他不像大部分人想象中的自闭症小孩那样生活在自己的世界当中—他是个快乐的小男孩,只是容易因为一点点的小事沮丧、发怒。”

But the arrival of Billy from a Cats Protection shelter 12 months ago has changed Fraser’s behaviour.


‘The first time we took Fraser to see Billy, the cat went straight to him,’ Mrs Booth added. ‘Fraser sat down on the floor and Billy laid across him with his paws on his legs and just started purring. Fraser said “This is our cat, he can come live with us,” and that was that.’


‘Billy has made a complete difference to our family life, he’s taken away the stress, he’s added happiness and an air of calm, he’s just been amazing.
