Aamir Cheema回复说:
This answer assumes that the earth stops suddenly for 42 seconds and then starts spinning at its normal speed.
1. If the earth stops spinning suddenly, the atmosphere will continue to spin. This means very high speed winds, i.e., approximately 1670 Km/hr which is earth's rotational velocity. The winds will also cause erosion to the earth's crust.
1. 如果地球突然停止自转,大气还会继续旋转。也就是说地球上会刮起大风,风速约为1670公里/小时(地球的自转速度)。这段时间里的大风还会风蚀地壳。
2. A sudden stop of the spin will have a similar effect to when you press brakes on a moving car. You guessed it right, you (and every other object on this earth) will fly with a speed of earth's rotational velocity, around 1670 km/hr. This is a very high speed but not enough to launch the objects in space, so no space trip for any of us.
2. 地球自转停止还会产生类似在汽车行驶时猛踩刹车效果类似。没错,当地球停止自转,你和地球上所有其他物体都会以地球自转的速度飞起来,这个速度很快但是还不足以向太空发射物体。所以,别担心你会被飞出地球之外体验一场太空之旅。
3. The earth will become a perfect sphere because the bulge in the earth is due to its rotation. This bulge is along the equator and the oceans as they are now are due to this bulge. If there is no bulge and the earth is a perfect sphere, the oceans will redistribute resulting in one massive supercontinent that circles the equator and the north and south poles will become oceans. See the image below:
3. 地球会变成完美的球体,因为地球之所以会凸起来呈椭圆形就是因为自转。现在地球因为自转原因在赤道和海洋会鼓起,如果没有自转影响地球会变成完美的球型,海洋会被重新分配导致赤道周围绕着一圈超级大陆,而南北两极则会变成海洋。如下图:
But since the earth will stop spinning only for 42 seconds the bulge will not completely disappear before the earth starts spinning again. However, the effect will be enough to cause flooding (in fact, gigantic tsunami) but only for 42 seconds after which the bulge will reappear and the flooding will retreat (causing more havoc).
4. You will have a day 42 seconds longer.
4. 那一天会多出来42秒钟。
Tony Vincent回复说:
You would have to wonder how far you, and every object that wasn't securely tied down, would tumble in 42 seconds....at 1600 kph!
You would travel about 190 kilometers in 42 seconds....on your arse!
Pick a spot 190 kilometers away and imagine getting there! Arse first!
Then, I assume, it would start to spin again?
An acceleration back up to 1600 kph. A bit uncomfortable I'm guessing!
It was very politely pointed out to me that my maths is slightly out.
My problem is that I have a tendency to confuse sevens and nines!
We would, in fact, all be bouncing 38+- kilometers on our collective arses!
Considerably less uncomfortable! :o)