英语听力汇总   |   免费的常春藤 无需学位也可大获成功





If you want to start taking classes at an Ivy Leagueuniversity unenrolled and undetected, says GuillaumeDumas, a 28-year-old Canadian, start with biglecture courses. If you must sit in on a smallerseminar class, it’s important to show upconsistently starting with the first session, insteadof halfway through the semester. Also, one of thebest alibis is that you’re enrolled as a liberal-artsstudent. “That`s the kind of program that`s filledwith everything and that you expect people to be abit weird, a bit confused about what they do,” hesays.




From 2008 to 2012, Dumas claims he did stints on a number of elite North Americanuniversities—Yale, Brown, UC Berkeley, Stanford, and McGill, to name a few—sitting in onclasses, attending parties, and living near campus as if he were an enrolled student. Thisdeception may sound like a lead-up to a true-crime story, but Dumas’s exploits appear to beharmless, done in a spirit of curiosity. "A lot of students are bored in class," he observes, "soif you participate, if you ask questions, if you are genuinely interested in the class, I think theteacher will like you."


More importantly, the concept of his story wasn`t implausible either: As tuition costs haveskyrocketed, it makes sense that people might try to siphon off some of the benefits of collegewithout paying. While the specifics of what Dumas told me may be hard to confirm, the factremains that a young adult could conceivably infiltrate a college campus without paying tuition.What might this say about the monetary value of a diploma? And can its component parts—learning, socializing, networking—be unbundled? If so, what would remain?


Representatives from some of the schools Dumas attended said that his story is quite rare,though not unheard of. A spokesperson from Stanford said that a student would be asked toleave campus if he or she was attending class without authorization, but added, “Stanford hasa relatively small student body and a close-knit student community. It would be challengingfor someone to go unnoticed.” Yale’s spokesperson said that someone like Dumas would betrespassing, and noted that he could instead take some of the free courses Yale offers online.


But according to Dumas, one of the best perks of college that’s available for free is thenetworking. “I think more than anything it’s meeting people. It`s contacts. It`s social capital.The kind of people I met in Berkeley or in Yale, I don`t know anywhere else in the world with somany smart, cool, open-minded, crazy people can be concentrated,” he says. “And when youthink of all the dropouts right now that start companies and stuff, it`s all people that didn`tneed a diploma, that didn`t need to pay anything. They went to school to open their minds andmeet friends, or meet strategy partners, or something like that.”


From this vantage point, a diploma starts to look a lot like a receipt printed on fine cardstock.It is proof not that one has learned something in college, but that one has paid for it. Without adiploma, how can Dumas prove to anyone—a potential employer—that he’s undergone anintellectually stimulating experience?


But these days, you don’t need a degree to become wildly successful, as Mark Zuckerberg andcountless other young entrepreneurs have demonstrated. Researchers at the Federal ReserveBank of New York and MIT found that what matters more than anything else in a jobapplication is whether the candidate knows someone at the company.


Dumas admits that his approach wouldn`t work if everyone did it. But he does believe that itcould work for some people (just not those who need their degrees to function as technicalcertifications or licenses, like engineers or doctors). “There might be a better interest in notpaying tuition and keeping that money to travel the world and launch a business than havingyour diploma in philosophy from, I don`t know, Johns Hopkins,” Dumas says.
