The two former British territories have long beenknown for their low taxes, rising incomes andbooming financial services sectors. The World Bankhas ranked them as two of the top three places in the world to do business since 2010.
But both have more recently faced the challenges of increased living costs and shiftingdemographics. This week leaders in the two cities announced their budgets for the comingyear, highlighting alternative views on how to tackle those problems.
Hong Kong on Wednesday chose to use its HK$63.8bn (US$8.2bn) budget surplus to helpfund a one-off salary and profits tax rebate for all residents, confirming its longstandingcommitment to a low-tax, laissez-faire style of government.
The benefits are likely to be felt only by the middle and high-income households in Hong Kong,said KPMG’s Charles Kinsley, because many poorer workers do not earn enough to pay salariestax in the first place.
毕马威(KPMG)的查尔斯•金斯利(Charles Kinsley)表示,由于许多较贫穷市民的所得还未达到个人所得税的征收下限,上述举措的好处可能只有香港中高收入居民才能体会到。
“I am aware that many of our citizens are expecting relief measures from government to allaytheir burdens,” said John Tsang, Hong Kong financial secretary. However, the government mustallocate funds in a “prudent manner” because of worries over short-term economic growth.Hong Kong’s economy grew 2.3 per cent in 2014, while Singapore’s expanded 2.9 per cent.
香港财政司司长曾俊华(John Tsang)表示:“我知道,许多香港市民正指望政府的救济措施减轻他们的负担。”然而,他说,出于对短期经济增长的顾虑,香港政府必须以“谨慎的态度”调配资金。2014年香港经济增长率是2.3%,而新加坡经济则增长了2.9%。
Mr Tsang announced fee waivers for restaurants, hotels and travel agents to boost theflagging tourism industry, which he said had suffered as a result of last year’s pro-democracyprotests.
Retail sales in Hong Kong slipped 0.2 per cent in 2014, although many analysts attribute theweakness to China’s crackdown on corruption, which has dented demand for luxury goods.Overall consumer spending rose during the protest months, largely thanks to the launch ofApple’s iPhone 6.
2014年,香港零售总额下滑了0.2%。不过,许多分析师将零售总额的疲软归因于中国的反腐运动,该举措极大地影响了人们对奢侈品的需求。在抗议活动的几个月内,香港总体消费开支却出现了增长,这在很大程度上要归功于苹果(Apple)推出的iPhone 6手机。
Hong Kong also earmarked funds for some short-term relief measures and extra cash forpoorer retirees, but stopped short of introducing a universal pension. Instead the governmentwill encourage older people to return to work.
In contrast, Singapore on Monday moved to redistribute wealth by raising taxes on itswealthiest residents to pay for increased spending on social welfare, particularly healthcare.
The package of improved benefits included more generous support for retirees and low-incomefamilies, and extra funding for high-skills training. The combined measures will take governmentspending up to 19-19.5 per cent of gross domestic product by 2020 from the current 18.5per cent, according to CIMB.
“We have set new directions for the future”, said Singapore finance minister TharmanShanmugaratnam in his budget address. “We are making fundamental policy shifts to giveSingaporeans greater assurance at each stage of life, more opportunities, and a better homefor all.”
新加坡财政部长尚达曼(Tharman Shanmugaratnam)在其预算讲话中表示:“我们已为未来设定了新的方向。我们正在开展根本性的政策转变,以便为新加坡人提供生命所有阶段的更大保障、创造更多机遇、并为所有人打造更美好的家园。”
Singaporeans are due to go to the polls any time between now and 2017, leading someanalysts to bill the budget as a pre-election vote-winner.
Living costs in both Hong Kong and Singapore have risen sharply since the financial crisis,heightening concerns about inequality. The Economist Intelligent Unit now ranks Singapore asthe world’s most expensive city, while Hong Kong has its highest home prices, according toSavills.
自金融危机以来,香港和新加坡的生活成本都已急剧攀升,令人们日益担心社会不公的问题。目前,经济学人信息部(Economist Intelligent Unit, EIU)将新加坡列为全球消费最高的城市。而根据第一太平戴维斯(Savills)的数据,香港拥有全球最高的房价。
The cost of living was one of the frustrations aired by protesters during the Hong Kongprotests, which shut down major roads in three commercial districts for almost three months.
Universal suffrage is due to be introduced to Hong Kong in 2017 but critics say the plan for astrictly controlled system for nominating candidates falls short of genuine democracy.