英语听力汇总   |   创业者如何克服江湖骗子综合症





Entrepreneurs often feel like impostors at theirbusinesses and in their lives because they’reconstantly trying to do things they’ve never donebefore. Every day they’re learning new skills and thiscan prompt them to feeling like they’re not reallyqualified to be running their businesses.





But many people experience impostor syndrome at some point. They persistently seethemselves as inadequate or failures despite information indicating that their skills aresufficient or they’re successful.


Confident entrepreneurs accept their inadequacies. They are simply faking it before they make itand that’s OK. It’s called learning.


Once business leaders learn to accept this process, their imposter syndrome goes away. Hereare 10 other tricks confident entrepreneurs can use to avoid impostor syndrome:


1. Own the victory.

1. 认可胜利。

Confident entrepreneurs own their accomplishments. The cause of imposter syndrome is aninability to internalize success. Instead, people think they got lucky, slipped in or benefit froman unusual amount of help.


It takes integrity to own a victory. Sure, you may have been lucky or have had help as a newbusiness owner, but you probably did your part, too. Even if you were just in the right place atthe right time, you were still there. Without you, the victory wouldn’t exist.


2. Don’t rely so much on external validation.

2. 不要过于依赖外部认可

External validation is a crutch. No one should have more power to make you feel better aboutyourself than you.


Sure, it’s fine to feel good when other people compliment you and you should always acceptexternal praise, but don’t overly rely on it.


3. Keep the pressure on.

3. 保持压力。

You can’t fight self-doubt with more self-doubt. Too many entrepreneurs make the mistake ofcombating impostor syndrome by purposefully lowering the bar for themselves.


These types say things like “Oh, I’m not that good” or “I’ll probably mess up” before daring totake a specific action. Some will even go as far as sabotaging their own performance to fulfillthe lower expectations.


The problem is that trying to take pressure off yourself by pretending to be more of a failurewill make you more of a failure. It’s a pitiful cycle. You set the bar lower and lower each timeuntil what you do doesn’t matter at all.


4. Act before being ready.

4. 行动起来,不必等到万事俱备

Many entrepreneurs feel like impostors because they wait and wait to take action. They want tolaunch a new product or change the direction of their business but never have the guts. Theyjust think about acting.


Thinking without acting makes entrepreneurs feel like impostors in their own lives. They knowwhat they want and who they want to be but never move toward it, leaving them feeling like aphony.


5. Encounter failure firsthand.

5. 直面失败。

Entrepreneurs who critique other businesses but never dare to take great leaps in their ownwork are the real impostors. Reading about other entrepreneurs’ failures and successes onlygoes so far.


Sooner or later you have to plunge in and start succeeding or failing first, experiencing thingsfirsthand. You can’t be a fake and fail at the same time. If you’re failing, you’re doing it. You’rereal.


6. Expose your true self.

6. 展露真实自我。

The only way to destroy imposter syndrome forever is to be exactly who you are to everyoneall the time. Don’t prop up a fake image of yourself or your business to others. If yourbusiness is small, let it be small.


Be transparent with customers and use the fact that your company is minute to interact moreclosely with them. Align your thoughts, words and actions as much as possible. It can be hardto do but there’s real freedom associated with this.


7. Laugh at yourself.

7. 自嘲一下。

Find the humor in your business. People will like you and your business more. And, you’ll betaken more seriously. In fact, studies show that self-deprecating humor by high-status peopleincreases their attractiveness.


8. Ask for help.

8. 寻求帮助。

Confident entrepreneurs are not afraid to say, “I don’t know” and then follow it up with “Canyou help me find out?” As an entrepreneur, you can’t do everything yourself. Entrepreneurswho try to move mountains all on their own without ever asking for assistance will end upfeeling like the biggest imposters of all.


You only have two eyes and two ears. You need to network and invest time in learning to tapinto other people’s wisdom so you can see and hear more. Then when you get stuck, you canbenefit from their insights.


9. Plan all the way to the end.

9. 进行详细的规划。

Winging it will make you feel like a phony. Failing to fully plan for your business is anothertechnique that entrepreneurs make the mistake of doing to try to relieve pressure in theirstressful situation.


They think that winging it or making things up as they go will prevent them from being heldaccountable if they fail. This is not true.


The ending is everything. It’s not enough to have a great start. You must finish what you start.Sure, no plan survives contact with reality unscathed. Things happen. Plans change. But thatdoesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to foresee and prepare for the possible obstacles that mayarise.


10. Knock down pedestals.

10. 推倒偶像。

It’s impossible to feel like an impostor once you accept that everyone else is an impostor,too. The only thing that separates you from the successful entrepreneurs of the world is timeand effort. Anything that they can do, you can do.


Too many people see great entrepreneurs or greatness in general as some kind of special thingthat has to be assigned them. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every entrepreneurfeels like an impostor at one time or another. All entrepreneurs are trying to be better versionsof themselves.
