英语听力汇总   |   全世界21个独特的婚礼传统







1. Releasing Doves, Philippines


At traditional Filipino wedding receptions, the bride and groom release two doves into the airto represent a long, peaceful, and harmonious life together.


2. Confetti, Italy


In Italian, confetti isn't scraps of paper to be thrown, but rather sugary treats - particularlysugared almonds that wedding guests recieve as favours at the reception. Confetti used to bethrown at the bride and groom, but has been replaced by coriandoli, the tiny scraps of paper.


3. Sake-Sharing Ceremony, Japan


In the beloved Japanese tradition of san-san-kudo, the bride and groom take three sips eachfrom three flat sake cups, and are followed by their parents, bonding the families together.


4. Log Cutting, Germany


In Germany, newlyweds must instantly put their bond to the test by working together to saw alog in half in front of all their guests. The act is intended to showcase the bride and groom'sability to work together and to face the obstacles that may come throughout their marriage.


5. Kransekake, Norway


Norway has its own particular version of the towering layered Western wedding cake, in theform of Kransekake, a tower of iced almond cake rings. It's common to build the tower over awine bottle so a nice treat appears as guest break off pieces of the dessert.


6. A Goose for the Bride, Korea


According to Korean tradition, grooms once gave their new mother-in-laws wild geese or ducks;they're monogamous animals and represent the groom's pure intentions and loyalty to hisbride. In a more modern reincarnation, brides and grooms exchange wooden geese and duckson their wedding day as a sign of their commitment.


7. Blackening, Scotland


In this Scottish tradition, the bride, groom, or both are taken out on the day before theirwedding, plied with alcohol, and covered in treacle, ash, feathers, and flour by friends andfamily. The celebratory mess was originally carried out to avoid evil spirits and bring good luck.


8. Ring of Flowers, Pakistan


In Pakistan, it's tradition for the groom to wear a ring of flowers around his neck. Here, thebride participates as well.


9. Croquembouche, France

泡芙塔 法国

French weddings often serve a croquembouche as the wedding cake, a truly delightfully tower ofcream-filled pastry puffed that can be dipped in any number of sweet sauces. Croquembouchecan be decorated with fruit, nuts, and glazes, and makes a fantastic centrepiece.The Frenchmight employ a less charming tradition in the wedding reception, La Soupe, in which leftoversare gathered into a toilet (or toilet-like bowl), and the bride and groom must eat from thebowl for good luck.


10. Stealing the Groom's Shoes, India

偷新郎的鞋子 印度

In a traditional Indian wedding, the bride's sisters play a trick on the groom by stealing hisshoes once he enters the wedding tent. The groom must bribe the sisters to return his shoesbefore exiting.


11. Black Wedding Cake, Jamaica

婚礼黑蛋糕 牙买加

Carribbean countries often serve a dark cake for weddings, made from dark fruits and rum. Thesame cake can be served at Christmas, and has a lot in common with a traditional Christmasfruitcake.


12. Spitting on the Bride, Kenya


In Kenya, as the freshly married bride and groom leave the village, the father of the bride spitson his daughter's head and chest so as not to jinx their good fortune.


13. Money Dance, Poland

跳舞钱 波兰

A Polish tradition invites guests to buy dances with the bride at the reception. Her maid-of-honour collects the charges, and the donations go toward the couple's honeymoon.


14. Breaking a White Bell, Guatemala

打破一只白色的钟 危地马拉

At a Guatemalan wedding reception, the mother of the groom breaks a white bell to welcomethe newlyweds to the party. The bell, filled with flour, rice, and grains is meant to bring luck andprosperity.


15. Polterabend, Germany

闹婚之夜 德国(注:德语,维基百科上说的意思基本就是一群亲朋聚一块乱摔东西)

German hen parties and stag nights grew out of the tradition of Polterabend, when family andfriends smashed dish ware outside the homes of the upcoming bride and groom on the nightbefore their wedding.


16. Ransoming the Bride, Romania

新娘赎金 罗马尼亚

In Romania, a mock abduction game is common before wedding ceremonies take place. Thebride is kidnapped by friends, family, or hired entertainers, and the groom must come to herrescue and pay her ransom through drinks, money, or romantic gestures.


Bride-napping turns out to be a common trope across European countries, with versions inRussia, Germany, and Wales. A Welsh best-man takes the bride to pub before the wedding,and the groom-to-be must find them and pick up the tab.


17. Bridal Sedans and Red Umbrellas, China

坐花轿和红伞 中国

A traditional Chinese wedding features a full procession, with the bride escorted to theceremony in a bridal sedan. Red is a powerful colour in Chinese weddings, symbolisingboldness, luck, and love. According to tradition, the bride wears a red veil to hide her face, andher mother or attendant holds a red umbrella over the bride's head, a superstition toencourage fertility and grow her own family.


18. Henna, India

海娜 印度(注:指甲花,有些地方叫做凤仙花)

As part of the elaborate and visually stunning traditional Indian wedding, brides and otherfemale attendees are often dyed with intricate henna designs to represent the joy, hope, andlove of the occasion.


19. Two Bouquets, Mexico

两束花 墨西哥

In Mexico, it's common for a bride to carry a bouquet for herself, and a second as a tribute tothe Virgin Mary.


20. Carrying Fire, South Africa

传递火源 南非

In South African tradition, parents of the bride and groom bring fire from their own fireplacesto the home of the newlyweds. The bride and groom use the flames provided from theirchildhood homes to ignite the hearth in their new home together


21. Unity Bowl, Australia

同心碗 澳大利亚

An Australian wedding ceremony might feature the tradition of a Unity Bowl. Guests are givenstones and asked to hold them during the ceremony. At the end, guests place the stones in adecorative bowl that the couple will keep and display afterwards, to remind them of thesupport and presence of their friends and family.
