英语听力汇总   |   清华大学中象牙塔里的脱口秀





While most students were busy shopping on Nov 11,Hou Yinguo, 25, a Chinese language and literaturegraduate student at Nanjing University, was workingon Friends, his talk show.


“There are a bunch of talk shows available online,but I wanted to make one that caters specifically tostudents,” he said.




Hou is not alone. Many students are attempting to create talk shows on campus, hoping to telltheir stories and enrich campus culture. Unlike other programs, talk shows require carefulpreparation well in advance in order to have interesting and engaging content. Shows oftenencounter great difficulties in their journey to create something original.


Priorities first


Finding suitable guests and topics is Hou’s top priority when it comes to Friends.


“We want to talk about human issues that truly have an impact on students’ lives,” he said.


As the first episode was produced around Singles Day, the topic of discussion this time aroundwas relationships. Hou and his colleagues invited Qi Lin, an associate professor at the ArtResearch Institute, to sit in as a guest.


“Students consider him one of ‘the most handsome professors,’ so we expected him to attracta lot of viewers,” Hou pointed out.


To keep things feeling natural on the set, Hou, who also hosts the show, doesn’t do arehearsal with his guest. Rather, he simply gives the guest an outline of what he or she will bediscussing. He and 10 others then spend a week recording the program.


“The whole process is fun,” Hou said. “We enjoy doing something we really like.”


When the video was uploaded on the website, it attracted hundreds of students.


Like chemistry


However, for Wang Xiaoya, 26, a graduate student majoring in journalism and communicationsat Tsinghua University, making a talk show is like doing an experiment. “Nothing really everturned out how we expected it to,” he said.


Before graduating, he made a talk show called Huixiao Tianxia with Liu Huining, 25, a Japanesemajor at Tsinghua University. The show’s aim was to tell stories that weren’t already knownacross campus.


“I have been here for seven years, and I have encountered many students with inspirationalstories worth sharing with the rest of the school,” Liu said.


Both Liu and Wang also wanted to be broadcast television hosts, so they figured a talk showwould be a great way to hone their skills before entering the job market.




In the beginning, they did all the work — contacting guests, interviewing, recording and editing— on their own. “There was a lot of pressure. We once made three episodes in a week,” Liusaid. But later, to ensure the quality, they agreed to produce only one episode each week.

一开始,他们需要承担所有的工作,包括联系嘉宾、采访、录制与剪辑都需要亲自上阵。刘慧凝说,“那时压力很大,我们有一次一个星期做了三期节目。” 但是,后来他们为了保证质量,决定每周只做一期。

They often went to the Student Activity Center to find interesting students.


Before recording, either Wang or Liu talks with their guest for an hour to break the ice andlearn about them. After this is complete, they decide on an angle and prepare talking points.


“If both of us did a pre-interview, the guests wouldn’t tell us anything new,” Wang said.


During recording, Liu is responsible for coming up with questions tailored to the flow of theconversation. Wang, on the other hand, focused on what the guest is saying to control therhythm of the interview.


Many times, they’re up until midnight preparing and producing the show, but they enjoy it allnonetheless. “Making a breakthrough isn’t easy, but I’m up to the challenge,” Wang said.


Their shows were welcomed by students on Renren.com and WeChat platform.
