Re “Is Harvard Unfair to Asian-Americans?” (Op-Ed,Nov. 25):
I wholeheartedly support Yascha Mounk’s article,especially in its delinking of affirmative action forunderrepresented minorities from the capping ofAsian-American admissions. But by capping Asian-American admissions, if it is doing that, Harvard doesmore than recapitulate its own sorry history of anti-Semitism.
It also recapitulates a sorry United States history of discrimination against Asians, from theAsian Exclusion Act of 1882 on. Right through the repeal of the Magnuson Act in 1965, theword “quota” has been featured.
此事也是美国另一端耻辱历史的重演:1882年的排华法案(Asian Exclusion Act)就开启了美国歧视亚裔的历史。
GISH JEN Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 25, 2014
GISHE JEN 马萨诸塞州坎布里奇,2014年11月25日
The writer, a Harvard alumna, is a novelist.
To the Editor:
As the father of a son who graduated from Harvard (and who might not have been able to doso in the heyday of the restrictions on Jewish admissions that A. Lawrence Lowell, Harvard’spresident nearly a century ago, put into place), and the son of a father who once led the NewYork chapter of the Japanese-American Citizens League, I can’t help but feel discomfort inreading about the continuing discrimination against Asian-Americans at Harvard.
作为一名父亲,我的儿子从哈佛毕业(若是生活在哈佛校长A·劳伦斯·洛厄尔[A. Lawrence Lowell]限制犹太学生录取的时期,我的儿子可能就无法做到这点了),作为一名父亲,我的儿子还曾是日裔美国公民联盟纽约分社的领导人,所以当我读到这篇关于哈佛一直歧视亚裔美国学生的文章时,真的感觉很难受。
The prestigious institutions wishing to better represent underserved populations run the riskof accepting applicants whose admissions may be undeserved, at the expense of those(arguably) better qualified.
While I’m not suggesting that Harvard accept only applicants with perfect SAT scores (which itcould), discounting merit sends a terrible message to Asian-Americans, whose forebearssuffered from significant historical discrimination (internment camps and job and propertyrights restrictions).
As for the “slightly less strong on extracurricular criteria” argument (put forward by aHarvard admission dean in 1988), I would recommend that the admission committee membersvisit the next music recital their children participate in and look for the (disproportionatelylarge) number of Asian-American faces. Slightly less strong indeed!
JOHN B. SPRUNG New York, Nov. 25, 2014
JOHN B. SPRUNG 纽约,2014年11月25日
To the Editor:
When I was a student at Harvard nearly 50 years ago, it was accepted as an article of faith thatif admission were simply a matter of grade point averages and standardized test scores,Harvard could fill an entire class without venturing outside the greater New York area.
But that is not and has never been the mission of Harvard College, which these days rejectsnearly 95 percent of a self-selected group of high achievers, nearly all of whom could beacademically successful there.
That mission, I believe, is to put together interesting, diverse young people who can teach andlearn from one another in the training of the hearts and minds of future leaders.
Nobody is entitled to a seat at Harvard. And any unsuccessful applicant who presumes toattack the integrity of the world’s greatest educational institution only proves by his or herself-esteeming behavior that Harvard made the right decision.
Elite education is not a zero-sum game; an outstanding education can be achieved at anynumber of state and private institutions.
VAUGHN A. CARNEY Stowe, Vt., Nov. 25, 2014
VAUGHAN A. CARNEY 佛蒙特州斯托,2014年11月25日
To the Editor:
Yascha Mounk points out that Harvard allots 13 percent of its admission slots to recruitedathletes. With this revelation one wonders why Harvard spends its educational capital onentertainment of alumni rather than on preparing a new generation of talented,knowledgeable, serious students as well as giving Harvard College the opportunity toincrease diversity.
A. JO PROCTER Chevy Chase, Md., Nov. 25, 2014
A. JO PROCTER 马里兰州切维塞斯,2014年11月25日