玛丽亚•格拉卡斯•福斯特(Maria das Graças Foster)并非等闲的巴西企业高管。首先,这位巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)的前首席执行官是位女性——事实上,也是执掌大型石油企业的首位女性。她也没有显赫出身,相反她是在里约热内卢最危险的贫民窟之一长大。小时候曾捡废金属卖钱的她,于1978年以实习生的身份进入巴西国家石油公司,逐渐对这家国有石油生产商了如指掌,足以让任何一个老板自惭形愧。
It is a remarkable career path but one that looks likely to end in a sadly familiar way by LatinAmerican standards: with a corruption scandal. Over the past few months, Petrobras hasbecome engulfed in the largest bribery and kickback investigation in Brazil’s history. Prosecutorsbelieve that for much of the past decade, Petrobras executives conspired with Brazil’s largestconstruction firms to inflate the oil company’s contracts, stealing billions of dollars to fundlavish lifestyles, pay bribes and funnel money to politicians, largely from the ruling Workers’party.
While Ms Graças Foster has not been accused of involvement in the scheme, the straight-talking 61-year-old has repeatedly offered her resignation to President Dilma Rousseff. “Thepresident thought I should stay,” she told reporters bluntly in December. The reality, analystssay, is that no sane executive would be willing to take over the company in its currentuncertain state.
尽管格拉卡斯•福斯特并未被指卷入这一丑闻,但这位说话坦率的61岁女掌门多次向巴西总统迪尔玛•罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)提出了辞职。“总统认为我应该留下来,”去年12月她对记者坦言。分析师称,实际情况是没有哪个明智的高管会愿意接手这家目前看来前景不明的公司。
As well as facing a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation in the US, Petrobrasremains cut off from capital markets and risks technical default after its auditors PwC refusedto approve its accounts in November. “Any potential candidate to replace Ms Graças Fosterwould be wary of coming on before the current executives sign off the damage,” says JoãoAugusto de Castro Neves of Eurasia Group, a political risk consultancy.
除了要面对美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的调查,由于去年11月其审计机构普华永道会计事务所(PwC)拒绝核实该公司的账目,巴西国家石油公司仍然被挡在资本市场之外并面临技术性违约的风险。“任何可能接替格拉卡斯•福斯特的人选都会心存警惕,不愿在现任高管结束这个烂摊子前接手,”政治风险咨询机构欧亚集团(EurasiaGroup)的若昂•奥古斯托•德卡斯特罗•内维斯(João Augusto de Castro Neves)称。
The scandal — dubbed “Car Wash” as petrol stations were allegedly used to launder some ofthe money — is not only a sorry turn of events for Ms Graças Foster but also for Petrobras andBrazil itself. After winning respect for its technological prowess and becoming the envy of theglobal industry in 2007 by making the largest offshore oil discoveries in decades, Petrobrasmay soon have to resort to a government bailout. Similarly, after wowing investors with 7.5 percent growth in 2010, Brazil once again finds itself an object of ridicule in international marketsas the corruption scandal threatens to deepen an expected recession this year. As formerpresident Fernando Henrique Cardoso wrote in his memoirs, “hope followed by disappointmentis a particularly Brazilian cycle”.
因加油站被指用于部分洗钱活动而被称为“洗车”(Car Wash)的丑闻,不论对格拉卡斯•福斯特个人,还是对巴西国家石油公司甚至巴西来说都是一个可悲的转折点。由于发现了几处数十年来最大的海上油田,2007年巴西国家石油公司在技术实力上赢得尊重,并且成为全球石油业令人羡慕的对象。然而,如今该公司可能很快将不得不求助于政府援助。同样,2010年巴西以7.5%的增长率令投资者惊艳,但今年因腐败丑闻可能加深预期中的衰退程度,巴西发现自己再次成了国际市场嘲笑的对象。巴西前总统费尔南多•恩里克•卡多佐(FernandoHenrique Cardoso)在其回忆录中写道:“希望之后是失望,这是典型的巴西式循环。”
Ms Graças Foster, a towering and somewhat gaunt figure, never appeared to harbour anyillusions about the challenges that lay ahead when she became chief executive in February2012.
When asked in an FT interview that year about her ascension up the Petrobras ranks, shereplied: “Power doesn’t come by itself, it comes with responsibility and it’s the responsibility Ilive with, which weighs on me, which wakes me up at two o’clock in the morning, takes me awayfrom my friends, and makes me a more impatient and irritable person”. Despite having thevestiges of a personal life — a husband, two children, a granddaughter, and a love of cats andcooking — she has been quoted as saying she would “die” for the company that transformedher life.
New York and São Paulo quoted Petrobras itself was already in trouble when she took charge.Covert fuel subsidies to help the government battle inflation were costing the company billionsof dollars and there was little Ms Graças Foster could do to change a practice that enragedprivate minority investors. She and Ms Rousseff had been close friends since the president’sdays as an energy official in the 1990s.
Some say the weight on Ms Graças Foster’s shoulders was, in fact, the knowledge of a vastcorruption scandal that had yet to come to light. Venina Velosa da Fonseca, a formerPetrobras manager, said during a tearful television interview last month that she had warnedseveral directors of inflated contracts in 2008, including Ms Graças Foster who was head of thegas and energy division at the time. Ms Graças Foster has vehemently denied she was aware ofthe scheme and Petrobras said it has been taking all necessary measures to investigatealleged irregularities.
有人说,格拉卡斯•福斯特肩上的压力,实际上是她知道公司内存在一个尚未曝光的巨大腐败丑闻。巴西国家石油公司前经理韦尼娜•韦洛萨达方茜卡(Venina Velosa da Fonseca)在不久前的电视采访中含泪称,她曾在2008年就虚报合同价格问题提醒过数位高管,其中包括当时主管天然气和能源部门的格拉卡斯•福斯特。格拉卡斯•福斯特极力否认她事先知情,巴西国家石油公司则表示一直在采取所有必要措施对涉嫌违规行为进行调查。
Whistleblower tales, along with rumours of death threats and money hidden in buried swimmingpools have gripped Brazilians like a sordid soap opera, prompting both despair andfascination. But in two weeks’ time, many will finally get the chance to vent their frustrationover the scandal in a typically Brazilian way — by dressing up for Carnival. Masks modelled onMs Graças Foster’s face are expected to sell out.
Her no-nonsense management style has won her the nickname “the tank”, but Ms GraçasFoster also knows how to have fun — a big rock fan, she once admitted to having tattoos in“places you can’t see with clothes on”, according to state-owned broadcaster EBC.
Yet, she is unlikely to see the funny side this Carnival. More than most, Ms Graças Fosterunderstands the struggles of Brazil’s less fortunate and that their capacity to acceptperennial disappointment has limits. Protesters have taken to the streets to demand MsRousseff’s impeachment over the scandal — a proposition that is gaining some sympathy inthe country’s increasingly dissatisfied Congress. Ms Rousseff, who was chair of Petrobraswhen much of the graft supposedly took place, has denied any involvement in the allegedscheme.
If the protesters get their way, Brazil’s two first ladies may soon both be out of a job.