英语听力汇总   |   毁三观,女子与亲生父亲约会两年后决定生子





A teenager has revealed in an interview that sheplans to marry her father and have children afterdating for two years.





The unnamed 18-year-old revealed in an interview with New York Magazine her romanticrelationship of almost two years with her biological father after being estranged from him for 12years.

这位匿名的18岁奇葩女在一次New York Magazine杂志的采访中披露,她与亲生父亲之前的12年关系一直很疏远冷淡,但之后他们开始了两年的恋爱。

In the interview, the girl also said the two also plan on having children.


The teenager said her father reached out to her on Facebook when she was in high school andsoon after, she went to stay with him for a week.


After the week together, the 18-year-old said they had sex and then started dating.


"Everyone on my mom,s side of the family sees us as father and daughter," she told themagazine. "Those who know that he,s my dad, and that we are engaged, include my father,sparents (they can see we are happy together and they can,t wait for us to have babies — theytreat us just like any other couple), the woman we live with, and my best friend."


After the wedding, the woman says they plan to move to New Jersey where adult incest islegal.
