英语听力汇总   |   圣诞装饰有新招 男士胡须成亮点





圣诞装饰有新招 男士胡须成亮点


2014 has been the year of the beard - everywhere you look these days, men aged 18-40 are wearing their facial hair like a badge of honour.


There a Tumblr pages galore dedicated to men with a strong whisker presence and a Mancunian has even launched a dating site specifically for pogonophiles.


So, with Christmas around the corner, it was only right that a company invented a seasonal accessory for bearded men.


A London advertising agency has been selling beard baubles - for the man wanting to add an extra festive touch to his chin fuzz.


The company claims that the Yuletide facial hair accessory - which retails for £5.00 ($7.80) a packet - has been flying off shelves, with customers from as far as Australia placing orders.


Ollie Dearn, who works at the agency behind the accessory, Grey London, said: 'The product has been particularly popular with Brits.

Grey London 公司的奥利·迪尔恩(Ollie Dearn)表示,产品在英国人中尤为受欢迎。

'We've sold more than we ever expected. But Aussie, American, Kiwis, German and French customers have been purchasing Beard Baubles too.'


Each pack contains 14 multicoloured baubles to attach to the bristles - ten large balls and four small ones.


The success of the product is a happy accident - the business makes a Christmas card every year to send to clients and friends and this year decided to add a present to their message of seasonal cheer.


Ollie said: 'Each year, Grey London make a Christmas card to send out to clients and other agencies.'

奥利说:“每年,Grey London 都会向客户和其他公司寄送圣诞卡片。”

He continued: 'This year, the two designers Mike Kennedy and Pauline Ashford went one step further and came up with a festive gift idea to feature on our cards - Beard Baubles. It was a striking image.'

他继续道:“今年,两位设计师麦克·肯尼迪(Mike Kennedy)和波林·阿什福德(Pauline Ashford )更进一步,想出了胡须装饰物的新点子。令人耳目一新。”

The craze isn't just a hit with humans either.


Ollie says: 'We've heard about hairy dogs wearing Beard Baubles too.'


All proceeds from the baubles go to Beardseason, an initiative to raise awareness for the fight against Melanoma that is encouraging men to grow their beard during the month of December.

来自胡须装饰小彩球的所有收益将捐献给Bread Season,以提高人们对黑色素瘤的认识。这种首创精神也鼓励着男士在圣诞月蓄起他们的胡须。